Is the clitorus supposed to go and get thorny when a woman is turned on/?
Answers: yep and it sticks out! begging for attention! :-D
Spend £800 on clothes a month, I am 22 and feminine?
. You can Google that on the Internet,but Yes. It's like a small dic or nippple. Some are a couple inches long.
Sex grill...ADULTS solely please!?
yes it is equivalent to the manly penisCan you wax your pubic fuzz? If so where on earth do you carry it done?
Yes it isyes.
Is 190lbs too oil for a 5'9" woman?
of courseIm contained by pieces , since iv realize my boy is stuttering!?
Contraceptive slip?
I hold a short time ago given up the ciggies..Now taking microtabs?
Yellow discharge during pregnancy?