Pretty embarassing...?

ok i know every girl has vaginal discharge... but i have SO much. I have it in mind i soak through panty liners by the time i get home from arts school. I dont know whats wrong with me!

If it helps im 14

My Mum is upset roughly my diagnosis?

You may enjoy some sort of infection. You need to see a Doctor, you shouldn't be using pads to ambush discharge, if you need to then something is wrong.

How do you craft your boobs grow bigger or look bigger?

its middle-of-the-road.
im 12 & i told my best friend and she has it to.
its fine.
it just connote that your goin to start your period soon.
while your at school only just try to get away to the bathroom alot and wipe it off

I hold clear vaginal discharge ALL the time. What could it be?

Question 4 adjectives girls .. Is it usual 2 catch ur term 2 times a month?

Wrong with you? NO, panty liner come in different thicknesses. Buy heavy duty ones. You are without fault normal.
Good Luck

Is it true that almonds clear your boobs grow?

Its ok dont be embarrassed every feminine has been in attendance and done that As long as theres no itching or discharge your fine itll go away soon.

What was/is this? im kinda worried and embaressed?

I used to be like that too, as long as it doesnt smell, and its not itchy or green or something, its merely natural. Dont worry as you capture older it'll go away

Safe sex contained by dignified academy opinion?

your merely going through puberty! trust me sooner or later (most likely sooner) it will stop!

PID Paranoid?

It's typical. I had alot of discharge, and the doc said it would slow down with my subsequent period

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Just switch liners at lunch. I don't know if anything is wrong or not, sorry.

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Sounds similar to a bad yeast infection,see the doc asap! to double check, it could be something else.


thats normal. im 14 and afterschool today i be soaked.

(sorry bout the tmi)

What should I do?

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Hormonal Issues...?
Ok. I want to be skinny and sunburn by June 1st and its April 22nd.?
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