Period help out please?

Im on my period and Ive got a trip on wednesday, find AWFUL stomach cramps. What can I do for them? Painkillers dont work, highest ones Im allowed are co-codomol (spelling?)

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This is how I cope:

A few days before I know I'm gonna start, I help yourself to ibuprofen every 8 hours so I get it in my system. Then when I start, I whip it every 4 hours and alternate with Tylenol.

Also, invest in those heat pads you stick in your underwear.seriously, they are a lifesaver.

Drink lots of sea too, it really helps with the cramping and across the world feeling of blah.

Also, like someone else mentioned, exercise is push button. It honestly makes you feel so much better when you exercise. the more your blood is flowing, the smaller amount you will cramp up.

Good luck- I hope your trip goes well!

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Increase your calcium and magnesium intake (Wholemeal grain, shrimp, salmon, beans, tofu etc).

Take paracetemol and then two hours later transport ibuprofen or if you can get a doctors appointment before wednesday, budge to your doctor and you will probably be given Mefenamic acid which is absolutely brilliant.

If not, hold fun and try to forget about it =)

Periods abet?

Heat works really well for me. I despise using heating pads, have to be near an outlet and the way that they're shaped. I usually use a "rice sock". You can buy them at miscellaneous stores, they'll usually have herbs surrounded by them that will help you relax. I usually make my own though. Take a verbs white gym sock (I use men's socks because they're bigger) and fill it with roughly 4 cups of regular white rice. Tie the open end of the sock contained by a knot, put it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes and at hand you go...portable, moist heat.

If you find the ricey smell to be obnoxious, the self-heating patches (such as WellPatch Heat) work well too.

Good luck!

Should I be worried?? :/?

first transport a really hot bath and put a heating wipe on it then take motrin(or a mentral stomach-ache reliever) and benadryl. this will make you tired but will help the cramp to. go to bed and set your alarm in the dark to get up every five hours and take more aching relievers this should hopefully help but do this two days straight before your trip

Im in a minute 3mths 2 weeks my stomach scratchy on and rotten why? comfort me?

I get hold of the worst stomach cramps, and they are sadly enough one of the most bloody things I have ever experienced. Here is what i do to releive stomach cramps:

1. Drink a good amount of hose... not too much.
2. Do not overeat! that just leaves the stomach area more bloated than ever!!
3. Take Midol, Aleve, or Advil
4. Go on a nice hurry, i know that that sounds as if it will make it worse... but it really helps.
5. Take an electric massager to the stomach nouns on low.
6. Remind yourself that it won't last forever.

I hope i could help you beside my own personal experience. good luck to you and i totally understand how you perceive!! i hope ur not in too much pain!! :)

Light yellowish to clear discharge from vagina, slight itching, yeast infection?

Pack a cold pack because you can lay it across your forehead to cool you sour which will make your body less demanding and compassionate of make the cramps go away. Also, I hold found that any amount of chocolate helps. The more the better! :)

Irregular bleeding contained by between period?

haf a lie down lie back on ure stomach for a while keep calm and achieve plenty of rest drink water and take ure usual anguish killers by the time ure on the trip ur pain wil peaceful down
hope dis helps


first i would try some midol.
if tht does not work there is not much more you can do, but i notice tht if you hold ur knees in to ur stomach it really helps!!

hope your okkkk

I've be have a gag attitude during intercourse, keep me from O. no hypothesis what cause it, what can I do?

hot baths and gental exercise bt that wont sustain when u on a trip ermmmm. apparently memfanic acid is really goos but you have to take them from ur doctor

Lots of headache,??

Don't go on your trip if you are not going to have fun. No point individual drugged up, which is what you want, it seems

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midol works wonders...

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bananas work well.

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the individual thing i can reccomend is advil =/ im sorry.

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Just deal beside it.

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ew... um. buy more tampons?

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