Just answer the interview and later i will get hold of backbone to you adjectives?
1) what color your arms
2) what your right and vanished arms look like
3) what do you have on your right and vanished arms
4) do u have freckles and moles on right or lift
5) what number of freckles and moles do u own on right arm then on left arm
6) be about on the arm are the freckles and moles on the right arm and the lift arm
7) what color are the freckles and moles on arms
8) what do you do something like the freckles and moles on your arms
9) what is your age
10) what you think about them
11) can i own picture of your arms plz
Answers: 1) a light, golden brown/tan
2) the same?
3) a couple freckles and some peach fuzz
4) i hold freckles on both, not alot just a couple here and there. no moles though.
5) on my right i enjoy about 5 and on my left i get like 10 or 15
6) on the right and left they are on the lower portion of my arm [[closer to my wrist]]
7) all of them are brown
8) nothing? they dont bother me
9) 21
10) i close to them
11) do you need it right now?
what is this adjectives about?
1) quite suntan
2) like arms
3) lots of freckles
4) tons of freckles- one mole behind my right elbow
5) left- bout 30, right- bout 30
6) predominantly on forearms
7) brown
8) don't really know
9) fifteen
10) dunno
11) no- you need help
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this is really a jumbled creepy question about arms!!There better be something coming out of this!
peach colour
similar to arms
freckles and a scratch from my dog
i dunno why would i count them?
brown the colour freckles are!
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What is the deal with adjectives of the questions about arms?! And no, I don't muse I'll give you a pic of my arms... lol!Opinions on Shaklee products? Minerelle, Skin etc..?
this is kind of odd,,my arms are white,,,,no white white but u know
I am 14
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