What IS the point of an orgasm??

Ok so you and I both know they feel fantastic.. but I often ruminate afterwards all that and it felt fantastic.. but what be the point of feeling to go to that length? What exactly happen anyway?

Ofcourse I feel pretty great after.. but does anyone else feel similar to this? - I guess this applies moreso when not with a partner..

What's your insight on it? no matter how big or small..?

THANKS within advance! :)

Whats gping on beside me?

I think that the reaction of an orgasm is natures "incentive" to get ethnic group to reproduce.

During the female orgasm, muscles in the uterus, belly, vagina, and rectum contract. The contractions of the vagina help pump sperm into the uterus. The orgasm is not NECESSARY for conception, but it helps. The contractions of these muscles stimulates the erogenous bravery endings even more, which is responsible for some of the sensations of orgasm.

I do not understand what go on in the brain as much as the muscle contractions, but the brain is (obviously) involved.

I feel similar to orgasms reduce my stress level and backing me sleep. Of course, that's not their actual purpose, but it's nice.

I hope I helped!

My bf and i have sex...?

An orgasm (sexual climax) is the conclusion of the plateau phase of the sexual response cycle, and may be experienced by both males and females. Orgasm is characterized by intense physical pleasure, controlled by the involuntary, or autonomic, nervous system.[1] It is accompany by quick cycles of muscle contraction in the lower pelvic muscles, which surround the primary sexual organs and the anus. Orgasms are commonly associated with other involuntary actions, including muscular spasms surrounded by other areas of the body, a general euphoric sensation, and frequently, vocalizations.

After orgasm, humans often discern tired and a need to rest. This is attributed to the release of prolactin.[2] Prolactin is a typical neuroendocrine response in depressed mood and irritation.[3] Ongoing research at the University Medical Center of Groningen, the Netherlands, studies brain events that attend orgasm in men and women. Techniques used involve Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and fMRI. Male and female brains stroke almost the same during orgasm. Brain scans showed that significant parts of the cerebral cortex temporarily reduced their activity.[4]

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i conjecture about that too dont worry, but i over ponder everything. as someone who was really great in bed once told me "stop thinking, relax and savour the ride" (guess that might be the point, but still not sure)

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When you get the contractions i think, woman can own up to 15 i've seen, but can have smaller amount, and men can have up to 7.
I think the most i hold is 4 or 5

Birth control give support to please?

I don't know. Sex is over-rated! Fun while it lasts but puts you in the poor house and indebted for enthusiasm as a result of many rugrats that come with the agreement! ;~)

Plants poisness?

It is nature rewarding you for having biddable sex it also increases your fertility.

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im not reli sure lol and never really thought about. i have sit here now about 10 mins thinking of something but still no perception x lol

What do women infer around masturbating?

Haha, I don't know the science behind it. Try some websites for detailed explanations

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