Female cross-question...??
Back spasm and white discharge is at hand anything to worried . Im 4weeks pregnant?
stress...my cycle for 2 months was bad.my doctor gave me a stress relief cd and it come on time this month.My cousin is 12, and she requests to enjoy sex. What should i do?
There are a number of reason that this could of happened.1. Dehydration
2. Dramatic weight loss or solidity gain
3. Stress
4. Change in diet e.g turning vegan or lacto-vegetarian suddenly with no supplements.
5. Change in medication e.g. side effects
6. Early menopause
7. If you enjoy just started your period between the concluding 1 to 4 years, the pattern could be irregular.
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Stress, too much exercise, malnutrition, hormonal birth control. These are the ones that come to mind, anyway. I'm not a womanly, but I had a girlfriend once.if its within the first 2 years of getting your length for the first time, it's completely normal.
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Have you lost a large amount of counterbalance recently..anorexia is the leading incentive of loss of menses among young girls..WELL IT DEPENDS ON HOW LONG YOUVE BEEN ON. THE FIRST COUPLE OF YEARS YOULL BE IRREGULAR.
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me to...i started feb 23-24 2008 and haven't had it since..im so worried im gonna get on our 8th grade graduation body...then i can't go swimming!how dated are you/
if you have just started have them then they can be a bit irregular in the begining ( i think)
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