Question please answer!!?

hey when im on my period am i suppose to be drinking lattes and coffes? or will it make my stomach hurt even worse?


caffeine is suppose to engender cramps worse but when i get my period i only just cant resist the chocolate lol

one thing Ive found that helps beside the pain though is a lot of river and potassium (it helps with any sensitive of muscle spasm)

so try trading your coffee for a bottle of water and a banana

Melly luvs Jer Jer

Mega t green tea/and other pills?

Caffeine constricts the uterus. Some people, during their period, find drinking coffee and having lots of chocolate to make things worse. I don't. My flow'll be really sweet for that first day and then the rest of the week I'm fine next to no more cramps. So you'll have to see what works for you. Good luck.

Women please answer!?

It depends on your body I know some who can drink it and swear by it then I know others that stay away impose it makes theirs worse. drink it and see what happens. every body's body is different. Hope that help:)

Why are my breasts hurting? Worried!?

you should drink water alot instead of lattes when you on a period it will hurt alot if you drink them hope i help bye bye

This is benevolent of disgusting--girls solitary please!?

it makes my stomach hurt worst also it makes me heavier. It could do like peas in a pod for you

Period relief! GIRLS ONLY?

Doesn't really matter.

I can`t stand this. Anyone hold duplicate problem as me?


EPT's anyone??

15 year antediluvian, womens ask...?
Why is this?
Vomitting during period?
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