Answer y do girls shave their pubes!?

i dont want to sound nasty or anything but y do girls hold to shave their pubes just asking it might be sick but i wanted to know!

Why is it whenever a woman is on her extent she own diarreaha?

You don't HAVE to. Heck you don't even HAVE to shave your pits or your legs. You do it because you resembling the way it feels. Or for some the road it looks (for the pits and legs anyway).

What does it suggest f my nipples hurt realy desperate everytime something touches them?

girls do it for a variety of reasons. some might hold sports, such as swimming and they dont want the extra weight. or do want it to show. i think like mad of girls do it so it doesnt show. if thye wear a bathing suit or something. some might do it for their partners. some might do it for their own comfort. i have one-sidedly have not shaved my pubes, but it is fine if you do. shouldnt be ashamed

Can someone go and get pregnant from flipping the condom?

I shave for me. I absolutely detest having hair surrounded by my pubic area-- it seems less sanitary and can be intensely uncomfortable for me. Hair can be really gross. Why wouldn't you shave-- or at least I would hope trim. I am contained by no way judging others but it freshly seems to make sense to me to shave or trim. Good luck, hope you find what you are looking for.

Im on my first pack of contraceptive pills, ive simply started the sugar pills, when will i bring my extent?

you can also buzz them using a small coat trimmer, like the ones sold to trim beard or sideburns. that way you won't catch razor burn but you still have adjectives the advantages (better for oral sex, doesn't stick out of swimsuit, doesn't get nasty during period)

PLEASE answer!?

OK LISTEN i be at the beach and i had on this cute BIKINI and these Short short bikini bottoms and my mom said "PUT YOUR HAIR IN YOUR PRIVATE IM LIKE WHAT THE HELL" and iw as resembling ewwwww and it was like 1 lb of spike so shave it unless u want that story 2 happen 2 u

Does my girlfriend inevitability a boob livelihood?

for there man. if one be to be gettin ate out.. having hair would merely be comfortable for the man. and some do it for them selves they dont wanna have to deal next to it and find it easier to maintain themselves wit out it.

Using tampons?

Some shave it off roughly speaking 1/2 way up, to be clean, for their boyfriends/husbands, and resembling others have said, so the hairs will not show through their swim-suits. It's a to respectively their own thing.

Tampon queston! (which one is for me)?

Girls don't HAVE to. You do if you want. I keep mine outstandingly trimmed, it just feels gross to me to hold all that hair "down there". My husband also appreciates the "landscaping".

Im 14 and on my 13th extent but this time its be 2 weeks so far wat should i do.?

They dont own to. Some girls do because its more clean, & you wont get infections. But, some society do... I think its very self-conscious having hair near.

How serious do you deem it is?

Because it is uncomfortable to not, and because you are more pron to getting a yeast infection.

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yeah, what "jasmith001" said, you dont wanna wear a hot swim suit and have guys checking you out and see your pubes, its variety of gross lol


It's trendy nowadays and they feel that it's expected... It's ridiculous.

Yeast infection or something more serious?

Have you SEEN the size of the bikini bottoms out near?
The thongs?
Fashion has a price.

Am i at a in good health immensity?

its a personal choice some girls dont like hackle there and some do.personaly i only close to having hair on my come first.


Some girls do it so the lice jumps onto the man.

Am i have an orgasm?

because hairy is repulsive

and shaved is sexy

I pee my pant?

i think some girls do it for their guys.

10MA written on the box funds May 2010 or 10 th of May?

cuz its gross to have fleece down there...and for 'swimsuit season' too...and for their boyfriends

What cause blood clots during your menstrual.?

I do it so they don't have any adjectives of showing from under my swimsuit.

What is the best tampon for starters??

Almost two weeks (tomorrow) since I STOPPED using the NuvaRing and.?
I haven't see a perios since Feb 22 2008?
Signs of Period?
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