My cousin is 12, and she desires to enjoy sex. What should i do?

Ok its not me ok im 15, its my cousin and she is 12 and she thinks she is ready to own sex with her 13 year old boyfriened. they enjoy been going out for a year. I told her its wrong, and I care soo much for her I dont want her to be used and hurt, she is better than that. but she insisted,"oh he loves me" and" he would neveeer hurt me". I feeel soo strongly she shouldnt do it, she is such a terrific girl. She is barmy at me but she told me she is "doing it" soon. What should I do, Im not very close to her and My Uncle and Aunt. What SHould I do?

Period ask?

I'm Jordan and I'm 12 also so i know what she is going through. but i think you should sit her down steadily and explain to her that sex is only for adults and tell her why it is solitary for adults and if she still insists then you should tell her parents, and if she get mad at you she will get over it and when she get older she will thank you.

In affliction..?

This girl is exactly that a little girl, far from mortal ready to have sex. Apart from the risk of pregnancy she could bring emotionally scared, also it is illegal and at hand would be serious consequences. Most people wait until they are develop adults in a serious relationship. If your cousin will not listen to you, i'm afraid you will have to want help from an adult, except her parents, a teacher, your parents anybody. Good luck i hope you can make her see sence.

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Don't try to report her parents cos this way she might lose trust in you and you'll never know anything just about her cos she'll never be able to be frank to you again.
Try to convince her that it's not so right... she might need (if she wants) to revise to masturbate..
If she insists on having sex with the guy, they can do oral sex or superficial one.
If they will be in motion deeper then they have to use protection and condoms... And she'll be the one to blame for what she chose, you a short time ago need to give her the warning and let her do whatever she requirements.

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Ok. I agree with you. She should wait till someone she emotionally loves comes around and she should be older like 17 or 18. But if she insists and everybody other wants to lose their virginity to their first love so if she wants to, than I deduce you should make it special for her.. preferably a condom also cause if near is none than that's a definate no!

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Tell her parents.
So what if she gets mad at you?

She's too childlike to have been qualified a lot of the sex ed. stuff.
She's too young to enjoy sex.
Or have a child.

When she's older, she won't regret not have sex at this age.
EDIT: Ooh, the STD picture thing is great.
I remember those from health class.

EDIT2: This isn't exactly the best opinion, but to help ensure the best, educate her on some contraceptive stuff.
And I hold a feeling if she doesn't listen to you, she'll do pull&pray, thinking it works.

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Tell your mom or her parents. Really. She's just a child. It's more exalted that you look out for her safety and welfare than that you respect her privacy and make sure she like you. NO ONE is ready at that age. He doesn't love her. She won't be with him forever. And yes he would hurt her. And she's opening too young to realize any of that on her own. Someone needs to intervene!

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Tell her parents. You know she's too babyish, and you telling her is going to do absolutely the disparate. She is way to young to even be thinking this passageway. Do the right thing hon, tell your mom or hers so that she doesn't brand name this huge mistake. She will thank you one day...believe me! As a mom, I would want to know if my underage child was thinking abt have sex.

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It is wrong. Tell her that she will def get pregnant if she does it (ok to lie within these situations). She'll be happy in the long run. Keep tab on her, or maybe tell your aunt/uncle that you imagine her bf is up to no good. Idk, just amount out something! Huwah!

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first of all, in my evaluation, shes too young to date-wait til high institution. and talk to ur aunt and uncle, even though ur not close. theyre still ur aunt and uncle, and this is a serious problem. doing this, this young is NOT GOOD AT ALL. u want to tell someone! IMMEDIATELY

Is it true?

just convey her okay but you gonna be the "easy" girl in highschool and ask her how many babies shell hold by prom.also tell her that if she gets an abortion you will pulsation her a**.

or you could just call resembling a child hotline for those posters around school.

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ok you can not update her she cant do it just tell her what she requirements to know about protection and that it will hurt the first time just prepare her if you do she might not want to do it


Honestly you entail to tell her parents. Or tell your parents and enjoy THEM tell her parents. They probably have no conception she's even thinking about it. You don't want them to find out you knew beforehand when they call a halt up with a pregnant 12-year-old on their hands.

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see her boyfriend so hard in the ball his grandchildren will be abstinent.

or if all else fails of late go to your uncle and tell him the situation. it's adjectives for helping your cousin, which is most important.

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even if you're not close to your Aunt/Uncle, tell them, because they probably don't want her have sex either. Just ask them to make sure your cousin doesn't find out you told them, and to exploit like they found out otherwise

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ask her if she really wants to put in the picture her mom that she is having a baby. and ask her is seh REALLY know how to do it, and does her so called bf?

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Talk to her parents as this is something they need to verbalize to her about... Having sex at that age is wrong no matter what but they involve to explain the ins and outs of safety etc.

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scare her
report to her about std's
and that she could die from it
&& show her pictures of the diseases
it sounds mean but it will work
&& your doing it cus you love her

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Tell her parents! Best point to do even if she gets mad at you. I be a sign of a 12 year old having sex to be precise just wrong. Does she even know about condoms?

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if she feel like losing her virginity at 13 then agree to her, but you should tell her about std's. show her pics and let somebody know her that sex if how you get them. i doubt she will still want to have sex.

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unfolding her not to is gonna make her wanna do it more. just relate her all of the harm that can come from it

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make clear to her parents and also you try to talk her out of it, it will ruin her life.

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don't allow her
and if she still go for it say your going to tell on her

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make clear to her parents or tell someone

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tell an full-grown

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let her have it


describing her parents or an adult it only going to brand it worse,
not only will she want to do it because she cares for her boyfriend but she will do it to piss everyone rotten and prove she can,
under those circumstances you would probably lose her as a friend.

tell her how you be aware of about it,
dont tell her no!
purely give her some facts explain to her that its her decision and its something that she have to decide for herself,what she thinks is contained by her best interest,
you honestly cant stop her!
tell her the pros and cons of having sex,
dont only just tell her the bad things i dislike when people do it to me,
[im 15 not a virgin,] someone just unfolding you the bad things that happen when you touch like your ready to enjoy sex makes you feel close to sh*t, like you shouldnt feel the instrument you do,,

i hope i helped =]

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Explain all the responsibilty trailing it. All the dangers of it. Get her to make a promise to own sex until marriage. Sex doesnt prove anything. I doubt we would even have situations similar to this and many others if society didnt circle around sex. You sound similar to a really good person. you can do this, if you cant tuning her in the end though, newly tell her parents about what she desires to do. Your the easy way...her parents are the final mode that can have severe what you must. dont let her become approaching the hundreds of other girls that have sex and eventually get into a cycle of sex and tears. right luck

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let her learn from experience, its adjectives u can do. shell learn the first time and won't do it again. if u tell n fully fledged shell hate u forever.

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