I haven't see a perios since Feb 22 2008?

My last period be Feb 22, 2008. I had sex on March 9 and March 23. My regular schedule is every 23rd of the month I receive my spell. Here it is April 24 and I still haven't seen it yet. I own given myself at least 5 pregnancy tests, and they adjectives came back neg. I am solely 38 years old, and I know I am not menopausing yet. What the hell is going on?

Can I start my birth control pills right after my spell?

My sincere warning to you would be: please get in touch next to a good gynecologist at the earliest. Don't wait to get hold of any answers here or elsewhere but get to the doctor.

1). The tests you conducted would enjoy been negative but still nobody can't right to be heard with 100% surity about your getting conceived or not. The test bsically depends on the chemical / physical reactions of the urine with the substance on the assessment equipment... and this can go wrong as well.

2). Menopausing might also be a common sense (how can you be sure of its not being the one).

3). There can be other compexicites, which only the experienced professional can examine and bring up to date, that too with autority. My heartiest best wishes for your health, but please do contact your doctor at the earliest. Take consideration!!

How do I know if I am more sexual tha typical??

Menopause is defined as absence of menstrual periods for 12 months. The menopausal transition starts beside varying menstrual cycle length and ends with the final menstrual period. Perimenopause technique "around the time of menopause." It is not officially a medical term, but is sometimes used to explain dependable aspects of the menopause transition in lay terms. Postmenopause is the entire time of year of time that comes after the last menstrual period.

Most women make menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but menopause may occur as earlier as the 30s or 40s or may not transpire until a woman reaches her 60s. As a rough "rule of thumb," women tend to undergo menopause at an age similar to that of their mothers.

Irregular vaginal bleeding may ensue during menopause. Some women have minimal problems with deviant bleeding during perimenopause whereas others have unpredictable, excessive bleeding. Menstrual periods (menses) may take place more frequently (meaning the cycle shortens in duration), or they may get farther and farther apart (meaning the cycle lengthen in duration) before stopping. There is no "normal" template of bleeding during the perimenopause, and patterns vary from woman to woman

What's wrong near me?

It's time to look in your doctor to get a blood test.

Sometimes the at home pregnancy test don't work because some women produce very small amounts of hcg.

also, if you have gained/lost closely of weight, that may also be a factor-- but once again, something that you should see your doctor about.

You never know, it could be menopause... my mom finished menopause at the age of 39... 6 months after my brother be born.

Nipple discharge?

I doubt that you are pregnant since you would be 2 months along and would definitely have a positive pregnancy assessment if you were. You should see your Gyn about it. It would be that something else is going on near your body.

I hold three Ovarian Cysts, and from second month am underneath going the treatment?

lucky i hate my period. it's other heavy. :P some times you could skip a month but two months thats kinda strange. I would def. see a docter about that. hope it isn't serious.

Vagina help out?

Hell if I know. You should be seeing your doctor since nearby are way too many reason why this is happening to guess.

Weight Gain On The Pill?


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