How serious do you focus it is?

I went for HVS and Ultra Scan tests. I discovered i hold E-coli and Yeast infection and the scan showed i had fibroid(Subserosal) and the size is 30x32mm. I'm just wondering how serious the infection is, although i enjoy started treating the E-coli and yeast infection but i don't know what to do about the fibroid and i don't know how serious it is. The doc said it isn't serious yet, but next to the size i'm worried.

Wtf is up next to him?

What causes fibroids?
No one knows for sure what cause fibroids. Researchers have some theories, but most likely, fibroids are the result of tons factors interacting with respectively other. These factors could be hormonal (affected by estrogen levels), genetic (running in families), environmental, or a combination of adjectives three. Because no one knows for sure what cause fibroids, we also don't know what causes them to grow or shrink. For the most part, fibroids stop growing or shrink after menopause. But, this is not true for adjectives women with fibroids.
They can be treated with drugs to comfort them shrink or be removed surgically. I would advise talking beside an alternative health care professional to carry more info.

I simply have my blood pressure taken and it be 150/54 she said that it be low but majority dose that close-fisted its ok

my mother had 2 fibroid tumors sitting on her uterus. they had to make a partial hysterectomy on her... i think they were nearly cancerous, though. i could be wrong. i be 15, my memory isn't the greatest. but yeah, i definitely remember the doctor telling her one of them be the size of a tennis ball and the other was the size of a golf globe. she was also in a ton of spasm all the time. the doctor told her they had probably be growing for at least 5 years. i think (if i remember right) the doctor told her to stay away from speedy food and caffeine... definitely to not drink soda (which sucks, i know). but all of those can contribute to the tumor's growth.

accurate luck, hon. like i said, i could be wrong about the details... but you should unambiguously research them. every woman is different, as is every doctor. and it's scary to have nobody to trust near your health beside your doctor. :(

My son is a year out-of-date, can other mothers speak about me when my body will budge subsidise to usual?

Ladies would you ever contribute up crossing your legs?
Women Only. Please share your PMS secret!?
How do you increase your breast size in need have to buy any products??
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