Am I skinny? or conventional sized?

I am 14 years old and I am kinda short for my age..

I weigh 100 pounds but I am 5 ft 3 inches..
Thats normal counterbalance right? just makin sure.. I dnt want to be too skinny thats all.

appreciation =)

Birth control?

Sounds fine, but you may want to talk to your doctor about this query. Not because I think there's anything wrong with you or anything close to that, don't worry -- it's just that, when it comes to things resembling this, there's "normal" and there's "normal for YOUR body." Your doctor knows your integral medical history, and knows exactly how to figure out whether someone of YOUR specific stage and YOUR specific diet and YOUR specific bone structure is a healthy weight.

On average, it sounds okay, though.

Ladies & girls lone..Puberty??

You're solitary 14 and you're still growing. It's a good weight, you're unquestionably not overweight. Here's a link to a BMI calculator for you...

Can you speak about for sure?

I was underweight growing up. I'm fine presently. You're 14 and your body is going through a lot of changes. Just construct sure that you are eating a healthy amount and exercising. You'll be fine.

If you be pregnant young person how would you bring up to date your parents that you be in the order of to hold a child?

Your aim should be focused on condition, not the weight. Muscle weighs more so when you are an athletic you will essentially weigh more but have muscle instead of fat.

I of late have my time and my friends maintain bugging me something like it what do i do?

Some may articulate you are like 5 pounds under. But That is merely 5 pounds so you are just perfect! =)

Cramp Relief?

115 is average for your echelon.

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look up BMI calulator on line, that will tell you right where on earth you are and where you should be.

Yeast Infections, Antibiotics, and Periods. Everything happen within threes.?

well im 17, im 5'3, and i weigh 128. so to me you are too skinny

Did u.?

not skinny but a short time underweight should be like 110 or 112 to be perfect...

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yes thats conventional mt sis is 15 and she is143 and 5'1

Kind of a wierd interview, but i'm freaking out...?

A little Gross but please help(Girls Only)?

normal. not too skinny at all.

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I regard that's fine. I'm 5' 0" and im only 80 pounds =]

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Thats perfect... I am a bit too contracted... i am 5 ft 3inches and I only weigh 93 lbs so you are good..

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no.ur wayyyy skinny

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your fine

Please support. Abd aching..?

coming from a 13 year outdated i think that is pretty nicee

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How do you grasp birth control pills when at college? Can a broad doctor prescribe it or must it be a gyn?

nop ur fine!

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Period time??
Help plz girls with the sole purpose!?
Almost everyday i ..?
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