Kind of a wierd interrogate, but i'm freaking out...?

Okay... so, i just had a babe 8 weeks ago, and i went to my ob today for my 6 weeks cheack up ( scedualing error, long story) so he checked my cervix and noticed a white discharge and took it within to another room to look at it under a microscope to make sure it be a yeast infection and came back and said it be sperm! Well, me and my husband have not had sex since sunday and we used a condom, so he looked at it again and said that he wasn't sure it be sperm anymore, and he didn't know what it was. He said he never saw a yeast infection or std look like that past. He said the bacteria looked like a stick, but when it swims it have a round head or something at the end that's why he thought it be sperm. Well, he's a resident so he asked another docter( his boss) and his boss said to give me medication for bateria vaginosis b/c that's what he thinks it is. So what do u guess this is and wouldn't they KNOW if it was bateria vaginosis. It's just really wierd and freaking me out!

Why do i get the impression this track?

Yes, i.e. odd and if it was me...I too would be freaking out. I suggest making another appointment next to somone else such as a Gyno and seeing what they have to say. I craving I could give you more comfort. Sorry. Good luck.

I typed BV and sperm into yahoo search and I did find some articles around how one can be mistaken for the maybe the doctor was confused but the other doctor is right since they know it's not sperm in a of luck to you.

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maybe it is just a vaginal infeaction. As woman, we tend to hold all sorts of discharges, some normal and others not so typical. I really dont think you should be woried if the doctors say its in recent times a bacteria.

Hi,i'm 20.i m have smaller boobs?

You probably have bacterial vaginosis. Take your antibiotic and capture well soon. Good luck and congratulations on the birth of your baby.

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I've have four kids and this is weird,but they do know if it is bacteria because I've have them before no biggy if thats what it is. I would get second op.

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I hold had bacterial vaginosis before...the doctor looked at it lower than the microscope and didn't know what it was, then they convey it for a culture and that is how BV is diagnosed. I am not sure about the descriptions that they give you (sounds strange). I am sorry I don't have anything better for you. Did you have any symptoms similar to vaginal itching or discomfort? If so, are they better since you took the antibiotic (if they are then that was probably the correct diagnosis and I wouldn't verbs about it). Isn't it sad what us women enjoy to go through sometimes!!

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Just go beside what the doctor says. Take your meds.

If you're that freaked out and don't want to trust them, find another doctor.

And as someone said before, sperm can stay put for a couple of days. So, it vastly well could have be sperm along with what they diagnosed you with.

Congrats on the kid.

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