Nuva ring?

I just started using nuva ring and i'm not sure i similar to it. I can feel it if i'm standing, is this usual and what are your expirences with it?

Answers:    If you can be aware of it, you do not have it positioned right. It wants to be pushed in farther. I've be on Nuvaring for 3 years and I love it. Though for the first few months there'd be days where I would scuffle with it create it kept trying to 'escape' and I had a unyielding time getting it to stay in place. Now I almost never own that problem. Just took my body time to adjust I guess. Oh and I never had it accidentally fall down out ever. I also have to wear pantyliners because have something inside me causes my body to overproduce the discharge to again try to gain it out.
Other than that I don't really have any side effects, I hold gained a few pounds but that can be blamed more on stress, nouns of exercise, and poor eating behaviour.
I love the fact that I can use Nuvaring to skip a term. Just put a new one after 3 weeks. Saves me from have to schedule around my extent.
For me, the benefits out way the problems. I trust it closely more than pills and would hate the patch. I am considering switching to Mirena though.
Any other question, feel free to email me!
If you can quality it, then it isn't contained by far enough. I have it for a while and just get sick of it. Plus I read that it is only approaching 97% effective. I concluded up switching to the Mirena implant (but I'm married and don't want kids any time soon.) It be good while I be on it, just net sure you are using another form of birth control (like condoms) to make sure you don't go and get pregnant. Actually, the NuvaRing is quite powerful: "According to studies provided to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during the approval process, effectiveness ratings are programmed at 99% when used according to label instructions. This is comparable to the patch and better than the Pill’s value ratings."

When I used it, I could feel it, though it didn't incentive me discomfort. It didn't fit me well, though, and kept slipping out. That's why I terminated up switching birth control methods.

The doctor who prescribed the NuvaRing actually put the first one surrounded by for me, so I knew when it be inserted properly. If you're wondering if it's in your correctly, you may want to shift back to your gynecologist.

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