I finished the Provera flout a few days ago...?

I just started the bleeding. Is this a extent, or is it just debt bleeding? I did the 10 day treatment (for need of menses...haven't had a term since November!). I know that bleeding means that I do enjoy enough estrogen, but I a short time ago can't figure out if it's a time or not. =). I have my followup within a couple of weeks.

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This is considered withdrawl bleeding, not a regular time of year where you would hold bleeding because an egg was released and not fertilized.

With provera (and other progestins or progesterone) it will explanation the uterine lining to bring build up and thicken (just like a ordinary cycle) but when you stop taking the meds, all of that pool liner is shed.

I have like problem I am 24 now and hold been dealing beside irregular periods for 13 years presently. about a year after I started my period they became immensely irregular... at first they would last 3 weeks or longer and be VERY HEAVY (looked close to someone was murdered!) As I get older they become very infrequent. Now I hold a period MAYBE evry 6 months.

This is cause by a hormone imbalance (in me) so I don't ovulate (release eggs) In turn I am infertile and stipulation fertility drugs to get pregnant. I hold 2 kids (3 pregnancies) One was conceived by drugs one be unexpected (yay!)

I would hold your doctor do a FULL blood/ hormone workup.
I think they resembling to test on sunshine 3 of your period... morning 1 being the first year of REAL bleeding.

Don't let the doctor's sit in that and say " I don't know what's wrong beside you" cause that's a nouns of b/s.

ALSO DO NOT let the doctors dispense you birth control pills to " fix" the prob. this just does one and the same thing provera does and it solitary covers the prob. It'll just carry worse years later. believe me I see it adjectives the time and it happened to me...

Google this - PCOS

Good luck!

Problems after a D&C - 13 months subsequently?

I totally agree with the other answer at this time! I too hold fought irregular periods for just about 11 years and was put on Provera, and next later tried 2 different types of birth control pills. The pills noticeably only cover up the underlying problem. With Provera, I would bleed so inadequately after ending the pills it be almost debilitating - missing arts school, work, and just individual literally drained. If I could go pay for and redo it, I'd not own taken it. I recently have a D&C done which didn't help and am in a minute having to enjoy a hysterectomy - Good luck!

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