What did women do when they be on their term within caveman/woman days cos in attendance wernt tampons etc?
Answers: They had furs and other materials to soak it up. It be a time woman were held surrounded by awe. If you really want to know more, check out the site below.
they would have used rag (thats were we acquire "are you ragging," or on the rag") They used leaves..
perchance you should make a time travel device and travel back into cavemen times and ask them the press... You wouldn't be able to get them anyway...
sucks to be you
I doubt they did much or thought much about it. Everyone, manly and female, be pretty much filthy dirty, and busy from dawn til dusk hunting, reunion, and evading predators. i dont know
It's always be my question! I presume they didn't care much going on for it. they let it to be on their thighs (eww)
or possibly they washes their legs by the sea of riever at the end of the time!!
I wish I could travel to days gone by. I have seriously of questions roughly speaking cavemen/women
I've always thought they might hold just tolerate it flow.
However, they weren't as 'dumb' as we often seem to be to perceive them as - and they might have used something permeable like moss, to insert into their vaginas.
I know biblical women and Greek, Roman, etc.they used strips of cloth inserted into them as forms of ancient tampons.
check out the unusual womens website http://www.allwomenstalk.com/