Periods & Thyroid?

Hi had a tumour surrounded by my throat 2 years ago and this resulted in me have it removed along with 55% of my thyroid gland. Could the certainty that I only hold 45% of my thyroid gland be the reason my period are so messed up? I came sour the pill 1 year ago to try for a baby, first 4-5 months period were fine but after that they are awful Sometimes 38 sunshine gap others 24. When i do come on my time of year, its only for a few hours consequently nothing until a few days after that? I feel totally messed up. I am tryin for a babe-in-arms and awaiting blood test results from my gp but wonder if my thyroid could be cause this and also wonder could this cause me problems trying to conceive? Thanx x

Answers:    Yes, change in your time can be a result of having a thyroid problem. Chances are you are proding smaller quantity thyroid hormone and this is effecting your cycle. The thyroid gland regulates metabolism and metabolism has an effect on adjectives systems in the body. Also, have an underactve thyroid can make it more difficult to go and get pregnant. You may want to test the TSH, Free T4, and Free T3, making sure to hold a first thing within the morning test.
Well, when i be on medication, and soon after i came sour the meds for my overactive thyroid, my periods where on earth all messed up too!!
So I asked the doctor, and he be adament that the two where NOT connected... I told him that i be usually regular, but he assured me that there be no link.
So even though it sounds close to they are connected, i guess ask your specialist, and see what s/he says.
Mind you, i didnt enjoy an op, so yours may very ably be connected.
As for concieving, it shouldnt affect it, but they say not to obtain pregnant until you are completely normal (not overactive especially)
It sounds outstandingly likely that i.e. the cause of your irregular menstrual cycles. Talk to your doctor roughly speaking some kind of hormonal treatment to make up for the missing thyroid, if he think it's necessary. Yes, the thyroid issue could affect the issues beside your periods by making them irregular and fashion it harder to conceive.

I would recommend checking with your gynecologist and endocrinologist (if involved) as very well to see what they say.

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