How long after taking 21 days of birth control do you get your period?

I haven't be on the pill for years, but the doctor just this minute put me on it to start a cycle of ivf. I've taken the 21 days and I am very soon on the placebo pills, but the doctor told me not to help yourself to those. How long after the 3 weeks does your time in general come.

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3 to 5 days. it depends on the birth control your taking and how your body react to it. it could be smaller number it could be more.

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Mine other comes Monday hours of darkness or Tuesday morning. There be basically one fluke contained by 5+ years that it come on a Wed morning.

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My closing pill of the pack is wednesday around lunchtime and I don't draw from my time of year until friday around midnight.

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When I embezzle the ultimate pill on Saturday, I usually receive my time on Monday or Tuesday. So in the region of 2-3 days after taking that ultimate pill.

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It vary beside every woman. When I took the closing pill on Saturday I would usually start Thursday mornings, though a few times I did start Wednesday afternoon.

After the first few months your body should adjust to the pill and later you will know for sure what your monthly rota is.
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