Is this usual??

Ok, I'm 14 years old and I haven't started my term yet. ALL of my other friends enjoy. I've had a sticky, white discharge for going on for 2-3 years, and once i told my friends they said they started the discharge a few weeks before they started they're interval. Well. . .not me. Just recently, it's gotten thicker, almost resembling mucus. Does this mean I'm going to start my term soon, or is it getting too late, self 14 and all?

Answers:    Hey =]

It's a without fault normal article. Nothing to be worried about. Ask your mom when she get her period. It's usually something like the same time. Some of my friends get their periods as belated as 18.

About the white discharge : It's just some mucous mixed near bacteria that is to say discharged from your body. It cleans the inside of your vagina. When the discharge becomes glutinous, it usually shows that you are fertile. If the discharge makes you discern wet and self-conscious, you should wear a pantyliner. Otherwise it would mix with sweat and net you itch.

Regards, KidDo =]
Email me if you'd like to know more.
Same here. I have that before I get mine, and I was almost 14 too.
it doesn't brand name you late. simply be patient and it will come :] Don't verbs. You'll start and then you'll preference you hadn't. My grandmother was 16. That is belated I know. But you are already having signs of it occurring soon. I was 14 and be late compared to my friends too. I know how you touch. It will happen soon plenty.
When I was younger girls started their period typically around 14-16, so you're definitely not, "too late". The discharge transfer could be a warning that you are around to start, but not necessarily. Sometimes it means you are ovulating, or some other correction is going on with your body. Discharge is the body's process to clean you from your uterus out, so that's ordinary. Don't worry, your body know what it's doing. You will start when it is time for you to start. Your body doesn't care what other bodies are doing. Be forgiving and I promise you will start.
peace yes, youll get your spell soon, the reason your white discharge is getting thicker is that your wbc is getting richer, it mechanism soon you'll produce egg, now when your menstral extent starts, your breast will increase in size, probably doubled couse as read out its thick approaching mucus, now dont occupy in any sexual amusement till your 26 or 27, till then no kissing no hugging no stocky petting, esp intercourse, you have to control yourself, till your hormones are properly set off, otherwise youll get sick within one way or the other.

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