Hi Me and my boyfriend want to own sex but we own problems?

I'm 15 and I've been beside my boyfriend for a year and we are totally ready to own sex we have done fingering and everything presently we both are really ready to hold sex but I wanted to know how reliable are condoms because I can't do the pill or that so necessarily the only contraceptive method we can use is condoms but i don't want to gain pregnant. It would be really awful

Answers:    I can't believe how many folks are telling you 'DONT DO IT'...that's not perfect advice because a 15 year outdated is going to do it whether you preach or not. What is the reason you can't do the pill? If the function is availability, you can go to confident clinics and get them short having your parents at hand. That would be your best bet since they are the most effective (use a condom near that to protect against STDs). You can use a condom too but they are not nearly as effective and at hand is a lot of human error that can crop up. Also, DO NOT use two condoms at the same time...they will break easier!
If you're not emotionally grow enough to matter with the possible consequences, you're unwary to have sex. Period. WAIT until your MARRIED! zilch is 100% preventative
I think ur approach to young. sex is for elder, married couple. If u still wanna try it, condoms only work 98 % of the time. Good Luck! Rethink the integral having sex article. It could be the worst choice u ever made!

Just smile =)
The condoms are only more or less 67%. It also depends on the guy getting it on the right way and not putting a hole surrounded by it, and it being most importantly the right size for his penis. (But instinctively, I think you are too immature to be having sex. You involve to finish school----Nothing is 100% EXCEPT abstaining)----sorry lecture over(my sixteen year elderly gets alike lecture!) Anna, I am proud of you for wanting to use condoms, but you HAVE TO ASK YOURSELF:
if the condom broke and I get pregnant
what would I do?
Even though you say you're geared up, just hang around. Having sex at 15 is a really bad opinion. Please don't procreate.
If you dont know how to use all the materials later your NOT ready to own sex. I know you don't want to hear it but you should wait. Sex is a big responsibility. You can pleasure respectively other in other ways.
Used correctly Condoms are enormously effective! produce sure he puts it on correctly and use Lube so it doesn't break! make sure you are really geared up, you are still young, angelic luck! What would you do if it broke.ask yourself that. It is not worth it. Wait.
if your not ready to hold a baby dont enjoy sex. because they arent 100% and if it breaks then you may bring pregnant and regret the fact that you hold had sex and ruined your enthusiasm at 15. believe me you will wish you wait longer when you get elder Condoms like evrything else arent adjectives that reliable so if you cant take the pill any, you shouldnt do it. You may feel set but obviously the can be results terrify you and if thats the case, Just don't do it.
If you're really, really equipped you should do your own research. Posting the question is start, but you obligation to read up on things for yourselves.

For starters, you have to put the condom on back he starts leaking any fluid, and embezzle it off really scrupulously, after you are entirely finished.

And one source says the breakage rate of condoms is 2-15 per cent. Assuming you two are steadfast to each other and thus not at risk of HIV, you could use a spermicide, also available at the drugstore, at the same time; that would bequeath you an extra measure of insurance. (If you are at risk of HIV, the problem next to spermicides is that they can irritate the vagina, making you more susceptible. They don't help prevent HIV, but condoms do.)

For for a while more insurance (not as a replacement for condoms plus spermicide but in insert to them), you could start tracking your periods and positively abstain during your fertile periods. You enjoy to learn to take your body really well. Look at: http://www.webmd.com/infertility-and-rep...

Finally, I infer you should make friends near your local Planned Parenthood. You can get reliable information from them, as okay as supplies cheaper than at the pharmacy.
Condoms are very impressive when used correctly.

But every now and next you get a desperate one. You will be hating go when the condom breaks, trust me. And it will one day. And you can receive pregnant when it does.

If you really can't get on the pill, or any other successful birth control, I would suggest refraining from intercourse for another year or two until you are mature adequate to better handle an unplanned pregnancy. Just hold on to doing what you're doing now. It won't shoot either of you to hang about.
I think you're too immature. I dated the same boy from 12 to 19 and we finally have intercourse at 19. Up until 19, we had so much fun--experimented resembling crazy with everything but intercourse. At 19, we feel we could easily get hold of birth control for both of us and we didn't have to sneak around or get the impression guilty and if we did get pregnant, we be legal adults(at lowest out of high conservatory!). There's so many ways to enjoy fun that don't risk you getting pregnant. Looking back, I reckon I was even too babyish! Your body is ready long past your emotions are...

That mortal said,

Condoms slip off, break.at the intensely least please use 2. Consider buying the womanly Sponge contraceptive or spermicidal gel.
I use Saran Wrap with my boyfriend and it works great and it's cost updated. Good luck, love birds!!

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