Hey is this normal im getting conserned can u relieve me out?

ok so im 13 and about resembling 3 or 4 days ago i posted this question and i just got 2 answers one said it be serous one said it was regular so heres the problem i went to the bathroom and i have black and some white dry stuff on my pantys they were dull pink lol so that could have change the color it smelled like my time of year kinda but i wasent on my period i single had my time of year twice can u help me thanks

Low selfesteem?

The black you saw could emphatically be from menstrual bleeding. Even though you said you didn't have your term at the time, many females, especially when you first start getting your length, have break through bleeding or spotting. The white you saw though is of more concern. It is possible that you could hold a vaginal infection, white discharge is often a sign. Are you have any symptoms? These could be pain or burning which may worsen during urination or itching. Talk to your mom so she can bring you to a doctor so you can be properly diagnosed. If you are not comfortable conversation with your mom afterwards find another adult, I don`t know an aunt or an older sister, that can bring you or aid you with discussing this next to your mom.
If you do have an infection you do not want to permit it go short treatment. It can worsen and some infections can cause serious problems such as infertility if moved out untreated.

What do these symtpoms mean?

Can you recount your mom or someone else you trust, like a friend? I have my period at 11 and it single came approaching once and a while, on and off again. It sounds approaching it could be your period.

Is two period in one month ordinary?

sounds to me like spotting and it's zilch too serious. Alot of people pocket awhile to get a regular spell cycle. If you are too concerned you could talk to your parent and I don`t know they could take you to the doctor and you could ask them.

My doctor tore my cervix due to her attention to detail? what do i do now?

Well the shade mucous could be blood...it looks very depressing when its dry and the white stuff could just be vaginal discharge (mucous)....dont madness but keep an eye on it.......especially if you make out a bad odor......or if this continues and your still not sure of what it is than see your Dr

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