Are these the signs of a yeast infection?

ive already tried monostat 7 day treatment, and nothing seem to have changed. I usually find white thick gunk surrounded by my underwear and it itches down there sometimes, REALLY badly. but not adjectives the time. It also smells like bread, which is why i thought it was a yeast infection, but when the 7 morning treatment didnt work, i was confused. Ive had it for a couple of years but i be too afraid to tell anyone.
I do NOT want to go to a doctor. so please permit me know if anyone has had these symptoms and what they've done to cure it?
I've never have sex so that rules out any STDs

Answers:    If you believe you are suffering from a yeast infection I'll give you some colloquial tips on what you can do to eliminate it. Although to be honest you need to research Candida. As until you exterminate it your yeast infections will never go away for good.

There are abundant things you need to start doing and addressing if you are suffering from a yeast infection. To start, do the following:

1. Wear loose clothing and undergarments, oxygen kill yeast, going commando and wearing nothing down there sooner is even better.

2. Get some unsweetened yogurt and rub it onto a tampon, insert the tampon and do this continually until the yeast infection is gone.

3. Cut out any and all sugar, alcohol and yeast from your diet. All three will promote the infection further.

4. Start drinking cranberry juice, pure not from concentrate next to no added sugar, I know this goes against the no sugar thing but the tart content in the cranberries will alter the PH balance of your vagina and rationale the yeast to die off.

5. If you can tolerate it, use a raw garlic clove and apply it to the infection, this may burn so dilute it next to some olive or coconut oil, both of which can also help wipe out the yeast, especially the coconut.

6. You can also try taking some vitamin B3, many women find their infections resolve quicker when they are taking 300mg/per day.

7. Take a probiotic beside at least 50 billion live cells per pill, this is switch in redistributing dutiful bacteria throughout your body, and effectively end the yeast infection. You must do this continually until you hold eliminated your yeast infections and Candida entirely.

8. Lastly if all else fail, begin adding 2 cups of apple cider vinegar to a tub. Only fill the tub up high adequate to submerge your genital area. Stay in the tub for 20-30 minutes at a time.

Hope this help, the yogurt is the key really, by putting good germs directly on the area you will eliminate it promptly. Make sure it is unsweetened and ideally keep an eye out for a variation call Kefir which has even more beneficial bacteria within it to snuff out the infection.

When all is said and done I would suggest you research Candida and take a assessment to determine if you are suffering from it, as anyone who gets yeast infections has Candida, it's lately a matter of how bad it is.
It sounds approaching it may be a yeast infection. Honestly, only a doctor can help you beside that. If you keep trying to self treat with over the counter medication you may actually make your situation worse. Some yeast infections are a resistant strain that over the counter medication cannot treat. Besides, if you try treating it and it is not a yeast infection you might give yourself a bacterial infection instead. It's probably not a yeast infection. You might just be using some benign of soap that irritates your vagina. Try switching to dial or something more mild for washing.
Also, you want to make sure you are wash thoroughly. If you sweat or wear thongs or tight jeans.. it doesn't allow your vagina to breathe. Wear loose fitting pajamas or sleep without underwear every once in awhile..
Try Diflucan or Canesten duo
(fluconazole) It sounds resembling normal discharge you just own it heavy.

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