Is it possible to hold an std like chlamydia for 2 years and never enjoy symptoms?


Anorexia Nervosa..please answer?

yes chlamydia doesnt reallly have any side affects although is eaisly curable beside medicine

Is a missed time on birth control mean pregnant?

With some STI's it is comparatively possible that you have it and not know that you do until you elapse it on to someone else. Also there is merely sti that shows symtems in boys but not girls. This is why doctors recommend you bring an STI check every time you start a new relationship (to be on the out of danger side)

I don't think you can next to Chlamydia (i am sure you would know about it).. if you are unsure pop in a doctor

UM IS IT TRUE? (Both Genders May answer Question) NO Growth?

Yes! Get yourself tested and treated (if necessary) ASAP for your own health and to avoid transmitting it.

My smear examination results came backbone fine but with an uncharacteristic inflammation cited.?

Yup.. Chlamydia is usually symptomless in women, until they develop something like pelvic inflammatory disease. Even in men it have symptoms only roughly speaking 40% of the time.
If in doubt, grasp it checked (and treated!). This is a cause of infertility.

Period last less than a light of day?

If you had Chlamydia for two years you would most feasible have severe niggle. While it takes longer to hold symptoms in women, women usually will display symptoms inside 4 months. There should be a slight yellowish discharge detectable on toilet tissue. There are other std's that might not present symptoms for a while.

Help! ?

Yes, it's immensely possible. (See below) Not getting yearly exams will merely increase your chance of getting cancer. That's why the exams are so essential. It's diseases like chlamydia, hpv, etc that will increase your probability of getting cervical cancer.


-No symptoms 80% of the time (One study found that 3% of a sample of young at heart adults 18-35 years had untreated chlamydia.)

-Bleeding after sexual relations or between menstrual period

-Lower abdominal pain and burning spasm during urination

-Discharge from the vagina

How do i tell my mom i call for to be on birth control with out dictum i am haveing sex ?

for women chlamydia does not manifest symptoms, it is generally discovered through pap smear or vaginal cultures. It is specifically possible to have it for fairly a while and not know it. That is why all women should find checked for this during annual pap smear, if your doctor does not order this culture than you should request it and bring back tested for HPV(human papiloma virus) as women generally hold no symptoms with this any.

Very long lasting enormously light time of year - question?

yes, clamydia is a "silent disease" showing little or no symptoms until it have damaged your body, one should be checked for it repeatedly if one has multiple partner over time.

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