Pregnant? Serious interval problem? HELP?

I have a grill about my extent. My boyfriend and I have be having sex minus condoms. I take birth control but I hold been missing it (I clutch it the same afternoon just different times - approaching sometimes late at darkness when Im used to taking it in the morning). Well I be supposed to get my extent Sunday.. nothing til just about Wednesday. Then I got a intensely very desk light period for a couple hours after nothing. Then roughly speaking 2 spots on Friday. Thats it! I dont feel sick or anything but I am really terrified I might be pregnant or something. Does anyone have any clue whats up? Thanks :)

Answers:    Hmmm.. Having sex short no condom.. and missing BC pills.. could you be pregnant... Oh, wow what a tough one!
Quit worrying & guessing, just use a home pregnancy tryout kit (you can obtain it at any drug store) & it will give you the answer you are looking for. Fast & straight-forward. I know pregnancy test are both reliable and cheap. Oh and they are sold at every pharmacy and even in like mad of dollar stores... Wouldn't that be a lot easier than asking a bunch of strangers for a guess?
you hold been have sex and sometimes this act will correction the way your interval flows. you are upsetting the natural symmetry in side so its react by messing up your periods...
surrounded by time your body will get use to the sex and will jump back to ordinary.
in going on for a month or so get a check to make sure you arnt preg. if you have sex just earlier you started your spotting it could be you are preg.
or you can just stop worring something like it and take the morning after pill...
If you dont want to seize pregnate then dont be stupid and protect yourself! Use a condom and if your boyfriend doesnt want to be a daddy later tell him to support u rember to take you bc pill!!

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