Is it annoying to you...?

When stupid people other ask
"Could i be pregnant? ... We didn't use a condom"
or "... We were simply messing around"
or "... I'm a month late"

OF COURSE you could be pregnant. You can get pregnant any time have sex. If you don't know how you can get pregnant you shouldn't be have sense.

Does it annoy anyone else?

Answers:    Yes, I agree with you 100%. The need of knowledge/common sense is frightening actually.
YES it is! geez they want someone to explain to them they are OK but no one can share them that-just go find tested! uh-huh people similar to that shouldn't be reproducing gosh...
it kinda does. If they don't know they can get preggers, and can't switch a baby, I believe they shouldn't be have sex in the first place. Not that I'm against abortion or anything, that's their choice. yes, extremely! I individually don't think you should hold sex until you can raise a bright and breezy healthy child!
i know what you expect... it's like duh condoms...
enjoy you ever heard of them? but simple if you dont own sex you wont get pregnant It terrify me how uneducated individuals are about sex, birth control, and STDs. It's no wonder how frequent teenagers end up pregnant. The year I be a junior in illustrious school at hand were 11 girls contained by my school of 1200 students that be pregnant. 5 of those girls were freshman, and 2 of the girls be pregnant by the same guy. There be tons of kids with genital wart. And the previous year there be a school handy that had an outbreak of syphilis because they be having sex party. That is what our sex education within schools is getting us. Students have need of to be taught roughly real birth control, because they're going to own sex whether they're taught penny-pinching or not. And studies have shown that kids who thieve virginity vows--saying they'll wait until marriage--are smaller number likely to use protection if they hold sex before nuptials.
omg yes! and especially when younger girls ask "when will i get my period' or "hold i started my period yet" im similar to omg girls start (a) diff times. its like have a word to ur mom in human being instead of letting the world know jeez!

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