I want to ask that r transsexual r true,?

,if true can they make sex beside girl or can they ability for making children,r they enjoy sperms.and however from where the pennis built within them

Why do women have menstrual pains? What cause them?

Looks to me like your too infantile to even know the answer to this question. If your parents wont explain to you, either will I.


When will it come?

If I could comprehend one word you wrote
I might try and answer it.

But then again , near grammar and spelling that
atrocious , you're probably too childish to understand
the answer .

Lump on my breast?

)& talkinga boot/ why wh?at, are you!what] say? undersstandle

jeez why can't those understand these things.

Normal Symptoms? Serious answers appreciated.?

Well, gibberish is my second communication so I'll give it a shot. After roughly speaking 3-4 months on hormones and testosterone blockers, your sperm factory is effectively nuked. Some choose to have sperm or eggs frozen so as to probably produce offspring near a surrogate at a later time.

BTW transsexuals are wonderful individuals and make great parents.

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