
kk wen i get my length i get really discouraging cramps and it gives me a team leader ache. consequently my stomach hurts and i feel close to i am going to throw up. are there any ways to decline the pain next to out taking medicine?? close to things to eat or things to do?

Answers:    Well, you can try drinking tea, thats other helped me. Other than that i'm not sure. But taking 2 motrin other works for me.
Try drinking something warm, that help me. Or, you can try oral contraceptives (birth control pills). They've been used for years to relieve severe menstual cramping; they also relieve acne and filling periods. try using a reheat towel or hot watter bottle and placing on stomach, that helps relieve the stomach-ache, when i get cramps i tend to fake on my stomach and that helps relieve the pains as powerfully
Try extra calcuim, magnesium some valarian root and chamomile. combine that with extract of evening primrose for a few months and verbs it may actually give a hand too. So you can find a calcium/magnesium supply at the store and you can find foods with extra of both of them within it. I get really bleak cramps too, from endometriosis and after a while nothing help, even vicodin extra strength. I got put on birth control and instead of have my period every month, it's every three, which is better for the body any. It really calmed down my cramps and they don't put together me sick anymore. The headache is probably caused by the hormonal change and hormone therapy (the pill) can recurrently help beside that too. Do you use a heating wipe to help alleviate the cramps? That doesn't facilitate when you are away from home, but it could help while you are at home. Also, a big back is lots of excersize every day of the month. Many women who are intensely active enjoy slight cramps, if at all. Be sure to at least possible go for a long brisk tramp even while you are on your period. I've found that help too. It happens that I play Volleyball on Thursdays and since I pinch the pill, guess which day I start my extent? ya, Wednesday or Thursday. But being involved did help. I also played basketball and I'm not contained by very accurate shape, but just running up and down that court help me a lot. Good luck to ya! Eat bananas. Or you can deceit a warm bathe cloth on your stomach where it hurts. Try lying on your stomach on a cold flat surface. That sometimes help me.
I hope this helps.

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