Masturbation Help?

Ok im only young-looking and no harsh answers please.

When i masturbate it take like a few minutes until that time i can actually get the impression anything and then the pleasure builds up and afterwards there is a burst of pleasure that go on for a few seconds but afterwards it go numb and i cant feel anything anymore

i would close to to masturbate for more than a few minutes or c-um or experience and orgasm but i cant

advice please

Answers:    that burst of pleasure be an orgasm don't be too disappointed you can make them more intense near practice.

you can prolong an orgasm by stopping once you feel close to an orgasm for a few minutes and starting again. and repeating for a while. this can be especially pleasuarable and with practicse you can saty on the brink of an orgasm for a long time. prolonging also make orgasms stronger, harder and more intense.

so next time you quality one coming stop for 100 seconds. afterwards 50, 25, 10 and let you'rself progress. good luck.
ur still young-looking. u wont have an orgasm for a few days, weeks, months, or years. Woman can come two ways through clitoral stimulation or vaginal. You may craving to switch between the two.
you are a 56 year old solid, balding man. the only pussy u play next to is the pet cat you have. That burst of pleasure you surface is your orgasm. You are young and to be exact why your orgasm comes so quickly. As you bring back older it will bear longer and longer and prolong your enjoyment.

There may be a physical explanation why it takes you a few minutes back you feel anything. The clitoris is the sexual organ of the womanly and it is sometimes located up high contained by the vaginal area and obscured behind a fold of skin. It may be taking you a few minutes to certainly have direct contact next to it. This is not unusual and there is zilch you can do about it.

Good Luck
It sounds resembling what u have described IS an orgasm The burst of pleasure you discern is an orgasm! Just enjoy it.
Take more time. Keep it slow. lucky you!! That be an orgasm!

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