Severe cramping after sex?

I just have sex about an hour ago. Since sex I own been have cramps that are building in intensity until now I consistency like I am going to overrun out when they hit. I didn't orgasm(I know sometimes orgasms can cause cramping after due to uterus spasms)or even come close. Please backing!

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Well have this every happened back? It very in good health could be a bladder issue. bladder spasms can be just awful! If this have happened formerly or continues see a doctor about it. It could be an infection but nearby is also a bladder diease called Interstitial cystis or sometimes call painful bladder syndrome.....what happen when you have sex is the bladder get ummm well......touched by infiltration and this can bring on the spasms.

Good Luck

Vaginal discharge?

If you are having severe adequate cramps to feel close to passing out I would grasp this checked out tonight to find out what is going on. Pain after sex is not normal.

Period troubles?

you could hold a cyst. if tylenol doesn't help next i'd go to the emergency room. sometimes sex can inflict them to leak, rupture or verbs therefore cause pain.

I grain like I should be getting my term, but it hasn't come yet, am i conceivably pregnant?

If it is that bad stir get checked. I am a doctor.

What cause the female chest to drop, when you get elder?

hmm muscles are a funny thing- the best thing for you is to remember to drink plenty of water during the time..
muscles cramp up as the body is too hot and the muscle fibers clamp together.
you also neey to try and relax more too

I'm freaked out. is this normal?

You could be cramping because you did not achieve orgasm. Try taking care of that yourself and see if the release of sexual tautness does not rid you of your cramps... If it does not, go see your doctor you could hold an infection of the uterus such as PID.. this is caused by untreated STD's and can net intercourse very bloody during and after.

How old is u supposed to be to buy condoms?

you might enjoy an STD...or possibly pregnant..(if you didnt use a condom)...other than that, its probably merely your muscles- try drinkin plenty of water and dont workout for the time anyone..

Im 5'3"female. am i short.?

You seriously involve to see your OBGYN ASAP! Pain after sex is not normal and it could be a sign of something serious. You requirement to get to the doctor and find out what the problem really is. Your reproductive organs are as precious as your eyes. You lone get one set and they can't be replaced. If you hold to ask here you need to see a doctor. TOMARROW. Or if the spasm still hasn't stopped by the time you read this, go to the ER. okay??

Good luck to you.

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I assume its an infection so consult your doctor he may prescribe an antibiotic for you to take for two weeks. There is zilch to worry just about darling, its run of the mill it happened to me.

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