Is within a solar powered chance for the freestyle operate toys??
Answers: Why do you need a toy to play next to when you can have me? Who does not approaching Squirrels? This one only plays near single and available women. LOL
i have a solar powered stand mixer. do you surmise that would work? i'll whip us up some milkshakes while i'm at it. nil like a well brought-up protein shake on a hot day. I don't muse so...Those toys are usually ment to be used inside so i doubt there is sun powered grown toys.
If not, they sell solar panel over at Tractor Supply. No, as far as I know, there are no solar-powered full-grown toys.
Why would you need a solar-powered one to use it outside...? Wouldn't the regular freestyle operated or electric ones be adequate?
Now I understand why sarahsmiles.dang. Can I be of some assistance to you ladies please? Just trying to do the neighborly entry here.
OH BOY, hope it comes with bbq sauce! Do not forget to cover the honey pot or it will acquire rot on the top. This must be newsworthy!
they do make kit that make any voltage solar powered you obligation to go to a eco store. You wont want that point when I let you cuff me and later use the whip <silly grin>