Ladies interview but men can answer as powerfully...?

Ladies question but men can answer as well...?
This is a bit embaressing but I've notice my vaginal lips hang out slightly. Why is this? And does anyone else hold this problem? Is anything I should be worried about? They just appear quite long and I don't like it. Could I enjoy surgery? Thanks for answering. I am 18.

Abdominal twinge?

labia are like bellybuttons, innies or outies. either is majority. i personally like ones that suspend out.

What's wrong next to my breasts??

Yes, the labia minora are hanging out a little bit is without doubt normal. Many women have labia close to that and like them. If you say "slightly" this sounds even close to the typical, average physiological look. Completely hidden labia are relatively rare.

Yes, at hand is a plastic surgery on the labia minora. I do not recommend it because you will loose sensations in this highly sensible parts. What you describe is beyond doubt normal and men usually like it this passageway, too.

Is it majority to enjoy a 2 daylight extent?

Sweetheart let me try to put your question surrounded by perspective, when I stand up or walk my penis hangs down, is that a problem no unsurprisingly it is not . It is exactly the same as you your lips droop out slightly, that is completely natural, you right to be heard they seem a little bit long. in that is not a set size that parts of your genitals should be very woman has different size genitals as men own different size penis and testicles.

How ever what ever you think please do not have an operation to alter their size, for a start you will lose adjectives feeling as when they cut the nerves that are permanently diluted and these are after all part of the pleasure meat. There is one final thought however in the UK we treat female circumcision as dubious, those poor girls have their lips and clitoris removed so that they will not delight in sex, it is in fact mutilation, can you honestly voice that you would willingly have this unnecessary surgery.

Does the smear try-out hurt?


yeah its fine, when I be 14 I had the same problem, it be worse because on a hot day it would rub on my underwear and it made me feel resembling a right freak when I started having boyfriend at 16

I went to the docotors and told them I required it gone, I was on the waiting list for a while next finally I had minor surgary to shorten it.

they wont do yours if it isnt that bad but I consistency much more better now. so if its really bothering you go and see your doctor. but adjectives girls have this problem, some are larger and some are smaller.

good luck

Implantation bleeding after a missed interval?

Do not hold surgery!! It's not a deformity, it's completely normal. Women rise and fall 'down there' as much as they do everywhere else. Don't worry about it, any guy who get close enough to see you there will be pretty optimistic about it! There's no right or wrong way to look down nearby, just be happy next to what you've got!

Please back? I'm starting to verbs.?

Everyone is different & you shouldnt worry too much what your body looks resembling, besides im sure your boyfriend or future boyfriend wont have any problem beside that way that it looks.
Its just high-status to remember we all look different, that makes us adjectives special in our own way!

Did you grasp moody when you go through menopause?

There is a surgery for it, or so I hear. But it is simply a normal variation within anatomy. If you look in men's magazines (not playboy, but one of the others), you will see plenty of women who look close to you do. So, it can't be that big of a deal. :)

Delaying menstrual cycle? HELP!?

Every womans is different. There are some that hangs lower than others.

Yes you can win surgery to "correct" it. It is becoming more common as a lot of women are insecure something like this issue.

Why do individuals assume that freshly because a girl is skinny it system she is adjectives herself?

dont worry about it, ive see a few *******, dont think ive seen two like peas in a pod ! you are a normal female, progress out and enjoy a good seeing to and dont permit it get to you ! Bill.

Help please??

its normal, everyone is different. its not a problem. presumably one would singular consider surgery if one is a porn star or doing porn photo shoots and you think you couldnt get work because of it.

I be thinking just about this and.?

here are a lot of women with this problem.
you can own surgery to 'correct' it.

It hurts when I pee.?

So many women have duplicate, some men like it some not. It is not a problem and you need zilch to worried about. for me I like it, it is sexy sign

My discharge is a gluey creamy white color. I'm I ovulating?

dont hold surgery!! its so stupid
they hang out for the same justification ur eyes are what colour they are- iunno ?
unless they are causing pain or crucial discomfort, don't worry about it! merely wear cute underwear, and you wont notice.

I own lumps on my breast & something white come out of it.Should i be worried?

it was on telly end night monday channel4 9pm called crushing bodies it showed your problem they might show it again tonight it was simple cosmetic surgery

Do I hold a hormone inbalance?

it is perfectly conventional, although there is cosmetic surgery avaliable if you really wanted

Too much cervical fluid, what could this be?

All women are different. Don't verbs about it.

I come up with i own a hormone problem?

the ? is do you bone alot? that seems to start dripping as you bone alot

Pap Smear...?

ur not virgin anymore..

Irregular time of year?

haha well-mannered answer stlopez. hey girl send me a pic of it and ill pass you my expert opinion

Help please!!?

What's the proper condolences??
Does this nouns approaching a hormonal inequality?..Please answer?
Do you hold endometriosis? What can I nick for the appalling spasm of endometriosis while I try to conceive?
  • Have any of you be genuine depressed? Sad? What worked for you? I dont' want to cart a pill.?
  • I surface so stupid. i kinda want to cart the other tryout that come contained by the pack,b/c i took one and it be nega?

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