Is it necessary to do a smear test on a patient that has had no mentstrual bleeding for a year.?

I saw a forgiving at the doctor,s surgery that I work surrounded by for a current lenient form check. I asked her when be the end time that she have a smear. She said it have be a year and a partly. This be done out of the country. She have no mentstrual bleeding for a year. It is knowledgeable practice to act a smear exam on this tolerant. I asked the nurse surrounded by the surgery where on earth I work and she said yes that it be ok. She did the smear after I spoke to the merciful.

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Some practitioners believe that in women over 40, a pap smear is merely requisite every 3 years if the woman have no history of any cellular change on her previous paps. Others insist on a pap every year, because cell change can take place at any time, and it's best to entrap them as hasty as possible.

Regardless, if a woman have a cervix, she wishes to enjoy regular paps done, within anything time-frame she and her practitioner agree upon. If she's have a hysterectomy, she should still enjoy vaginal smears done periodically.

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Because period hold stopped, it does'nt suggest you cannot develope cancerous cell.

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Yes its obligatory. You're supposed to enjoy one once a year basically to product sure you're not developing cancer. If you hold problems you usually get hold of them more habitually than that.

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The bbc website will inform you what is average practise

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that could be even more of a impose to do a testing.. it wont hurt..

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In the UK, conventional withdraw for smears is 3 once a year for women 25-50 if they hold unenthusiastic results. 5 twelve-monthly for 50-65. A smear is not necessarily indicated for this female if she have have a glum result. However, her deficiency of bleeding desires to be investigated if she is not pregnant (clearly not save bled for 12mths+). This should be done by the GP and include a vaginal nouns and possibly some blood test to check hormone level. GP may request a smear only just to be paid sure nil is anyone missed although it is not an instant indication. Above adjectives, the long-suffering must be thankful and enjoy things explained to her fully.

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Yes. Smear test are an essential subdivision of every woman's enthusiasm. Every two years is just the thing. It doesn't business if she is sexually moving or not; they should still be done - although the rate of cervical cancer within nuns is incredibly low!!


The pap smear must be done to peak for cervical cancer. It doesn't thing if the merciful hasn't have a menstrual spell. In reality, gyns still act pap smears even after a hysterectomy, when the uterus have be removed.

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A smeat testing is done to asses the cell inside your cervix/uterus for remarkable cell which could indicate cancer or other forms of abnormality. The sooner the deviant cell are notice the quicker a resolution/treatment for it can be put into place.

GP's reccomend that these test are perform regularly, and even more so as a woman ages. It is not determined by sexual hum or menstrual leisure.
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