Skin coming out of vaginia ?

What could this be? My friend said she have a bladder infection dr. put her on zinc meds..consequently she completed up w/ urinirie track a minute she say she have this "skin" or "tissue" coming out of her vagina and that it is almost the size of a quarter and that it hurts...anyone every hear of this? She is 35 have 3 kids... 16, 11, and 5.

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After 3 kids, our bladders appear to want to get an exit, we don't want that to transpire. What she might be have is a Prolapsed Bladder. That basically technique the muscles used to hold it within hold be loosened by so several babies. I single have 2 babies, and it happen to me. She wishes to budge see her gyn to be sure. There are allot of things that can fix that. From a minor little pill, to something call a Pessary..a semi complicated plastic ring inserted in to the vagina to hold the bladder up, to have surgery to "tack it rear legs up". My warning: Go see the gyn.

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She should see a gynocologist straight. Shedding skin from the vagina is categorically NOT regular.

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Wow she wishes to c a doctor approaching yesterday.

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She could enjoy kidney stones. They are really sore. And from the nouns of her symptoms i.e. probably what is going on, she is a moment ago endorsement them very soon. So I would put in the picture her to phone up her doctors only to engineer sure though.

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I don't know what it is, but she should definately see the Dr. right away b/c to be exact not ordinary.

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It's usual. It have zilch to do near the meds she be on, since I enjoy that problem too. I can attest to that.

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I own never hear of anything resembling that. But have anything "coming out" of her vagina, excluding conventional secretion, should transport her to her gynecologist poste speediness. Especially something that hurts.

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If it is a lump swelling on her vagina it could be an abscess forming on one of the various tiny little glands at hand. This could enjoy be shabby ever so slightly when she be have sex after have an infection, and the infection could close the first night of the gland, cause the fluids to build up inside it, and afterwards white blood cell would collect at hand to attack the infection, cause it to build up even more. This can be eventually sorted by the body itself, when the abscess bursts and the fluid escapes, or if it is too self-conscious, the glad can be surgically removed (there are so various down here that this is not a severely major piece to lose, though it sounds serious). I hold never hear of flaps of skin growing.

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Sounds close to she have a snake living up her .

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It could possibly be the genesis of a prolapsed bladder OR vagina OR both. PLEASE check next to your gynecologist straight away. You may call for a pessary (donut shaped insert that holds it adjectives surrounded by place. ) It also may be "nought at all" .
Good luck!

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this is merely a gross fungal infection
she should use antifungal pessaries for roughly speaking 10 days & it will be over
the tissue is in fact the fungal mass coming out
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