Does endometriosis cause.?

My doctor think that I might enjoy endo, I hold have chronic pelvic/abdominal affliction (mostly on the vanished side where on earth my ovary is located) for the final 4 months when I be told that I have a hemmorhagic cyst contained by April which ruptured contained by June. My doctor and I thought that I would start to discern better since the cyst ruptured but I'm still have the discomfort on the not here side and really strong prescribed painkillers by my doctor solitary mildly settles the agony. I hold also have really fruitless and disabling time of year pains for roughly a year presently and own also have dull pain beside intercourse. My doctor put me put a bet on on the birth control pill within May and that hasn't lessen my distress and cramps near the birth of my length or help regulate my time of year. In the closing 6 weeks I hold have bleeding between period profusely (while on the pill which is a mystery). My doctor did a papsmear to tryout for any abnormality and the results showed candida (thrush). My doctor have suspected Endometriosis for roughly speaking 6 weeks presently and I'm currently.

Why are you supposed to urinate after sex?

Yes it is genetic and yes it can motive bleeding if you are on pills or not. If they suspect endo hold they mentioned Lupron shots or doing exploratory surgery however? Endo is a main spasm literally for all women who own it and i be one who suffered next to it 12 yrs in the past i found a dr who know what it be and how to treat it. I i need you the best of luck and if you call for to natter or own more question get the impression free to email me.

Birth control grill abet?

I thought I have it a while ago and read closely roughly speaking it. I believe it can be genetic. One other item you might want to ask your doctor going on for is a fibroid. They are adjectives and can rationale the symptoms you hold. They can also be more efficiently treatable than endo.

If you do enjoy endo, you might want to look into alternative treatments earlier have something as long-lasting as a hystorectomy. A friend of mine be competent to receive her symptoms to subside using progesterone cream that applied to you arm twice a morning.

A book that be recommended to me for lately nonspecific experience on these types of diseases, hormones, and treaments is "What Your Doctor Didn't Tell You About PreMenopause."

Period Problems?

Yes it can be a genetic point from what I hold read and yes it can grounds bleeding between period. I own similar symptoms to yours and my doc also suspect endo. I enjoy read up deeply more or less endometriosis and own made a index to of question to help yourself to next to me when I see my ob/gyn subsequent week. I too hold have ovarian cysts, pelvic niggle, prickly period and bloody intercourse.

Best of luck, I know how you surface and hope you attain a diagnosis soon.
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