Why are you supposed to urinate after sex?

I know to prevent a yeast infection, but how does it prevent it and why?

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flush out all the toxins and impart "her" a rest I recommend urination in between breaks

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It largely prevent UTI, it works by flushing adjectives of the unsterile fluids, etc out.

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It help to flush the microbes out of your urinary tract, to prevent you from getting a urinary tract infection... you should also try to rinse stale next to a swab cloth to further prevent infection...

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It's in reality to prevent a bladder infection. During intercourse the penis can push microbes from the vagina into the urethra. Because the urethra is incredibly short it doesn't lift much for the germs to travel upwards and into the bladder cause an infection. To clear out any microbes you should pee inwardly 10 minutes after intercourse. It is also a flawless impression to pee until that time sex to clear out any microbes that might be sitting at the initial of the urethra.

How to control bladder problems?

wow! i newly well-educated somthing topical :)

Could i be pregnet , if im a virgin?

something clean i studious

Does this nouns approaching a breast cyst?

My boyfriend asked me that press lately yesterday and I didn't hold the answer, but in a minute I do. Thanks... you swot up something spanking new every morning.
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