When will i seize my interval?

Hey i just had my 1st discharge 2day. How much long after will i find my period? The discharge was clearish white. WIll i draw from more before my period?

Answers:    No one can read aloud exactly when a girl will get her first menstrual period, but usually girls will get hold of it some time during puberty.

Some girls start puberty at age 9 or 10 where others may start as late as age 15 or 16. Each girl go at her own pace. So don't think that it's a desperate thing or that something is wrong if your friends start puberty a little earlier/later than you.

At the commencement of puberty, you'll notice that your breasts are developing and you're starting to grow a little pelt under your arms. Hair also will grow on your genitals (pubic hair). In some girls, the time from the beginning of puberty to getting the first menstrual spell may take only 6 months, where on earth as for other girls, it may take longer and can take up to 3 years. Another sign is vaginal discharge fluid (sort of close to mucus) that a girl might see or feel on her underwear. This discharge usually begins in the order of 6 months to a year before a girl gets her first interval.

Every girl is different, and there is a wide stock of normal development during puberty.

All I can read aloud is that you should be patient, it will happen when your body is geared up.

Good luck :)
well when I got my first discharge I be 12 and I still don't have my period and I'm 14. So that tell you what a difference in time there is. Well everybodys different some inhabitants get there time of year in a few days or in a few years after nearby first discharge. You will continue to get discharge and it will increasingly gain heavier as your period is approaching. But you never know you could get it really soon, or you could grasp it a year or even more from know. The average is 6th months to a year and a half of discharge and then that's usually when your time comes. I'm sorry to say this sweetie, but it won't come for a long time. Maybe around 2 years, that's been the stretch lately. It be for me too. You will get tons more discharge, but don't get your hopes up for Aunt Flow to come. Just live enthusiasm while you can. Soon you'll want to be dead. Ha ha. And I agree with chomp through.sleep.dance. These questions are getting so particularly annoying. It does not matter when it's coming unless something is wrong, or if you are confused. Not even doctors can tell when it's on it's course. Don't stress over this, and don't go to the bathroom every 5 minutes. It won't come overnight..
Yes, it may be white, dark brownish, but you never know when it will come some society will have discharge for a pretty long time and still wonder why they didnt get their time yet...just dont verbs you cant rush these things...trust me once you get it you wish you never did lol :] its the truth! It's different for everybody my bff have discharge for a couple a months before she started. I started having discharge when I be almost 12 and im 13 now so it still could be a couple of years until you start your period.
My friends say aloud periods are awful so just be lively that you don't have it yet..
you hold about a year-2 yeas that was for me,and you pee will turn dark like almost orange -reish when u enjoy your period or b4 u get it.dont rudh its noo fun!but suitable luck,and your discharge will get thicker adn mybe turn diferent colors as u age,but how old are you..? I don't know how aged you are...so all I can tell you is that your length may come at anytime. One of the things that can help you know is if you can ask your mom when she got it...I vote this because of "genes". Let's say she got it at 13...so it could occur to you at that age as well..
dont rush it! no one know exactly when. but when you finally get it, im sure youll post another question...

"when does it stir away!"

yes it usually will last for 2 years before you gain your period omg i hate this interview!! nobody knows! i have have discharge for two ******* years and still no period!.
in going on for a year ull get it in for a time bit less than a year

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