What are the benefits of taking prenatal vitamins when I am not planning on getting pregnant?

I put away glowing and everything.....and am not planning on getting pregnant so why did the doctor distribute me these and what are the benefits when I munch through nourishing and dont want to get hold of pregnant...I am with the sole purpose 20

Do i hold a UTI?

1) They minister to fashion your tresses and nail grow faster
2) They are great for you overall

Period and baseball activity? relief?

It is potential you are anemic, and obligation the extra iron.

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My guess is for the iron and folic tart (folate). If you're on the bony side (and sometimes even if you aren't) you might go and get iron-deficiency anemia. The other item is most women don't grasp ample folic acerbic. Many grain are fortified beside it immediately, but it also comes fluently within dusk leafy greens.

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it make your curls and nail grow. but excluding that u can clutch them when your not pregant its close to a big vitiman. good!

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I construe docs similar to to suggest it because surrounded by your 20s you never know when you are going to join someone and establish it's the right time to settle down and start trying. And my friends who are in a minute pregnant started taking the vitamins a year until that time they even started trying to take pregnant. So I consider it's merely to contribute you a director start. Plus, similar to the other answerers pointed out, it'll assist you contained by other areas as powerfully.

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They comfort when you DO win pregnant. Any girls that are childbearing age should pocket them because most pregnancies are unplanned and taking them 3-6 months in the past pregnancy help prevent absolute birth defect. They also abet your quill and nail grow better, and are better for women than other regular vitamins.

has anybody have the Coil fitted? if so how be it for you & how long did you own it?

Well, for starters they will clear your tresses and nail stronger. Not really sure why he put you on them, but They really won't hurt you.

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Prenatal vitamins are especially biddable for you and confer you the extra vitamins you want. Keep taking the prenatal vitamins, in time you will see a big difference. Best Wishes!

Birth Control?

you probably are a bit anemic and I don`t know sexually stirring.
prenatals own folic sharp and iron for anemia (this is low iron contained by blood which cause tiredness). or you call for extra calcium or potassium. he may be thinking that you might be defesient in solid things prenatals supply (like timetabled above) or that you may catch pregnant w/o wanting to, do u use birth control or smoke? prenatals are accually a worthy suppliment but if you start to seize constipated it the prenatals cause that and i would switch to flinstones, which i deduce are newly as fitting

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I guess of late within grip....also, they assist your down and skin and you nail grow seriously better when you are on um....

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You might not be planning on a pregnancy, but it can still come about, as within is no single or combination of birth control methods to be exact 100% influential. Taking these vitamins is a precaution.

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