Women's weight loss: The importance of Calcium and Magnesium?

Since closing December, I've lost 30 pounds... and only just, I've be reading just about the exigency of calcium and magnesium within women's diets. According to abiding dieticians feature contained by O Magazine, greater level of calcium and magnesium sustain a woman to loose mass more effectively. Can anyone final this up beside other articles or personal experience?

curious roughly this?

I hadn't hear in the order of the magnesium, but I read something like the calcium surrounded by a Curves publication. It said that the calcium cause us to produce smaller quantity of a fleshy storing hormone.

I also found these sources on the internet:

The ending one is skeptical around the nouns. The first 2 believe it.

Hi i be wandering how to maintain from sweating down within if i wear a wad?

I never really needed to lose weightiness but i do know alot roughly the body

Try drinking low-fat cheese, and get through smartstart cereal near skim milk for breakfast.
Also drink alot of sea, it contains magnesium.
by the opening, bcut down on red meat, put away fish and sometimes chicken
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