Very Depressed? What To Do?

About 3 1/2 months ago, I moved into an apartment with some friends. We enjoy all completely college and 2 are working in in attendance fields. I'm still trying to find a mission in my grazing land. However, in the suggest time, I'm working 2 jobs. I'm 22 btw. We signed a one year lease

The first month or so be great. But, now I see smaller quantity and less of my roommates. They are never, ever hear. One girl spends 5 out of 7 night a week at her boyfriends apartment. I see here every few days. The other roommate goes home every weekend, Thursday-Sunday dark to see her children (she does not have custody of them) The other night she is out partying and usually does not come home. They all are nice people (for the most part) and they payment there share of the bills. But, they are never around. I find very lonely.

Ever since moving in, I've started becoming more and more depressed. After college adjectives of my friends (expect these) moved back home. I don't enjoy any other friends or family

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Are there job back home surrounded by the field that you are looking to take into? If so, I would either converse to your roommates or write them a letter and consent to them know that you have be really sad lately and estimate that you might do better living closer to home. I would probably not bring up the fact that they spend like mad of time away from the apartment because they might get caring and they are adults and can do with their time what they want. I would permit them know that you will help next to finding another roommate to take your place and I am sure that they will read between the lines. I would start making plans to leave soon and I devise that you will start to feel your depression raise. You will have something to look forward too. When you attain to your new place to live, you might want to look into seeing a counselor newly to make sure that you are over the depression and he/she might know how to help you near some further coping strategies. Keep your chin up - I promise it will get better.

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Gee, I'm sorry. I get lonely too, and I'm married.
Why don't you try going spinal column home for a while?

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If you feel unsafe, obtain outta there. If you exit, you won't get your deposit hindmost, but safety is mode more important than a surety deposit. If you don't live in that not detrimental of an area, I don't regard the cost of the deposit could be all that much, so contained by my opinion its worth it to obtain outta there. Talk to your friend something like seriously getting the condo. Hope it works out for ya

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oh im so sorry, i hate self alone to, heres a good theory i think u should move put a bet on, and maybe acquire that condo with your friend, i bet it would engender u feel better.

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I surmise you should talk to your roommates and speak about them how you feel, also, if you tolerate them know that you are scared and don't want to live near anymore in a nice means of access, they'll probably let you past its sell-by date the lease, you should then move posterior home or with your friend.

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