What postion is best to mitigate the anguish for my 1st time?

me and my bf been together for 3yrs and have contracted that its time for both of us to give up our v cards.
i dont' want much pain.what positions do you reflect on is best?

Answers:    The idea of the first time being throbbing is pure myth.

Rather than being concerned about your positions you inevitability to worry about your smooth of education, we don’t get proper sex coaching in schools and we really don’t get taught the how-to’s of a wholesome happy sexual experience, but you need to know these things not a moment ago for a positive first-time experience but for a responsible healthy sex life too. If you believe contained by myths about sex this suggests perhaps you are not as arranged as you think.

Positions aren’t important any, what position you are in makes no difference and everyone is different, your first time shouldn’t be controlled by planned out positions, see what works best for you and travel for what feels right to you both at the time. Remember too it depends on his size, your size, how he moves, how you move, how his penis curves, how your vagina curves, what time of your cycle it is, and countless other things – positions come with experience, you swot up what works best for the two of you, the positions suggested here may not work for you, they certainly won’t stop any of this supposed pain you’re expecting. Furthermore, during your first time do you really want to do it ‘doggy-style’ where on earth you cannot make eye contact with your partner, manufacture love, touch one another? Go with what works for you, enjoy the experience, and verbs about experimenting with positions when you are more accustomed near each others bodies.

Sex for the first time or the millionth should not be painful, sex should other be a pleasurable experience and if there is pain involved consequently it is sign that there is something wrong so stopping and finding something more comfortable or trying again another time would be better for you. Your body is no different from any other woman’s body, loosing your virginity does not change your bodies biology or how your vagina works – so why would sex for the first time hurt?

Pain during the first time have sex is common, but that does not mean it is a global truth, often girls experience pain because they are unawares for sex, either emotionally or physically but do not realise this.

Sex is not just in the order of penetration, it is all the things that come beforehand and these things are vitally significant for women because only around 30% of women orgasm from penetrative sex alone, often population think that sex is all roughly speaking penetration so forget about a woman’s pleasure through other forms of sex and stir straight for penetration, which cannot happen if she is not physically equipped so results in pain – for access to occur men need to be sturdy, women need to be aroused, simple biology. Often girls and women experience pain for the first time because they do not deduce that it is not just about access and there are things a woman’s body needs to do for access to occur, when aroused your vagina will naturally relax, it will double within size and self-lubricate along with other changes resembling clitoris and labia becoming erect, colour changes, softening, and so on – this is when penetration should take place, when a woman is aroused. Ideally a woman should be brought to orgasm before penetration to ensure her body is physically prepared for penetration, it also means she is gratified and sex through infiltration is more likely to bring about orgasm for her as powerfully as him. Basically what we are looking at here is that the vagina is naturally built to stretch, to accommodate much larger things than a penis, there is no justification why a penis should cause it pain, if aroused your vagina is more than skilful of handling it.

Young women often don’t know about these principal functions, they steam ahead with penetration not aware of their bodies inherent functions or their sexual needs, the result is that penetration is bloody because her body is not ready for it, the vagina is not prepared for penetration – thus stomach-ache the first time having sex, it’s not a biological fact, it is ignorance of the couple involved. That ignorance is next spread, if a girl thinks sex the first time will be painful and her experience of it is that of niggle then she will think the myth of ‘sex for the first time is painful’ is true so will report others that this is the case. Another issue is that girls often get the impression pressured into sex, often they think they are all set when they are not, they are tense when they loose their virginity a result of which is that their vagina is tense, not solitary is this not pleasurable but it also means her vagina doesn’t allow the penis in, it’s forced and thus prickly – again, she thinks it will be painful, her experience is that of stomach-ache, so she thinks this myth is fact. Of course the certainty you are expecting pain also means you are more promising to feel pain, you reason your first sexual experience will be painful so you will be tense, strung out vagina means painful access.

Another issue is the hymen, not all girls have this, it’s not other broken by penetrative sex, and it is not always painful. If you own an intact hymen you can see it yourself as a slight ring of flesh around the opening to your vagina, if broken it will look like tag of flesh around your vaginal opening. If in tact after penetrative sex will most likely break the hymen, but this is just as promising to be a pleasurable experience as a painful one.

I would highly recommend you check out Scarleteen’s pattern site which is a sex-positive non-patronising teen sexual health web site which is impressively reliable, there are two articles in selective that would be helpful to you;
First intercourse 101
From OW! to WOW! Demystifying Painful Intercourse
Personally missonary was best for me. I tried to budge ontop first, but it hurt more to me. We tried doggy, but yeah, missonary was number 1.

If you don't want alot of pain be sure you do alot of foreplay and return with in the mood, that way you will be properly lubricated. Wearing a condom (other than for it's understandable benefits) will actually help drain the pain, as it is already lubricated, so it won't cause as much friction.

P.S. If you don't rush it, it really doesn't hurt as much as those make it sound..
For what I know... dog style is the best...


Either man higher than woman while woman lie down OR woman on top of man while man tale down..
Start off in the missionary position. It the easiest. missionary, and i doubt nearby will be any pain i never had any.
any missionary or you on top doggie style

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