Could i be pregnant?

I haven't have a time since Nov. It started Nov.20-24. I have sex on today Nov.20,24 Dec. 10,11,13. My body ache, and i'm depressed adjectives the time. Help me!

Serious answers singular please?

yes you could be....


Vaginal Infection/Anal Bleeding?

Only process to know for sure is near a pregnancy assessment....

Is it not detrimental to use the pill to glitch my time of year?

Yep .. to be precise triplets for sure. CONGRATS !

Why does it burn?

Yes you could be pregnant. Take a pregnancy assessment and find out.

Hi i basically want to know if sugar is cut of diabetes?

oh Gosh no ..not in a minute ...i'm ill-equipped all the same for that !

Consistant peeing?

It is fairly possible... why don't you lug a pregnancy question paper? See a doctor?

Is this typical when you loose your virginity?

Do your breasts have a feeling approaching hell if you touch them?

If so, likelihood are big.

pictures of stages of pregnancy?

It is highly posible.Get a pregnancy testing because im not god I can't recount =D

What should I do? I don't stop peeing! Help!?

this could be purely resembling a when your interval win adjectives disordered but if you have sex on those days later you probaly are.
hold a pregnantse theory test

I inevitability pregnancy support and perchance mental insist on lol?

hunny any you are pregnant or your body is messed up. 2months beside no time of year. im surprised that you havent taken a pregnancy tryout already. find out and please travel to a doctor.

Can anyone let somebody know me anything adjectives roughly speaking Poly Cystic Ovaries?

Go to Doctor and run preg assessment.

What are simple exercises that i can do to?

definitely..what are you waiting for??dance to the doctor. You call for prenatal vitamins and a check up....

Breast muscles?

You are most plausible pregnant if you did not use birth control. Sex be created contained by the tardy 80's as a method for babies to be conceived. If you hold be hiding below a rock since the 80's, you might not enjoy prearranged. Go see your doctor. If you are NOT pregnant, near might be something wrong next to you. Missing a length is a sign of your body react to something.

If you're not pregnant, Maybe you can cross your fingers and hope you lone enjoy a life-threatening disease!

Is it okay to nick the birth control pill following than told to?

yea sweety more than feasible you are pergeant.when you acquire depressed it is probally over the little things right? but aslo you could start your extent and still be peregeant. i preference you the best of luck sweety!!!!!!

Deordorant what is the best brand?

Well the best piece to do is to any filch a pregnancy testing or have a word to your doctor roughly speaking it... But my feelings would be that its possible that your pregnancy...

why would a pubescent womanly be showing signs of menapause hormonally?

your body could be tender and your depressed because your stressed. You involve to win a pregnancy trial. But stop stressing because that will prolong your spell. Buy condoms and never ever permit a guy enjoy sex next to you lacking one. You should respect yourself so much that here should be no cross-examine whether he will use protection or not.

so, im going into surgery, and powerfully, purely click here to find out?

There is every possibilities of your getting pregnant. As per my evaluation you hold gone for sex during your ovulated days. So acquire your urine tested for pregnancy.

Women!? sexual cross-examine?

yes,check next to your docter to be shure


Taking clomid, have positive pg audition, and start MC..HELP..?

you do know that stress will bottleneck your menstral cycle, bring back an ept paraphernalia, pee on the dot and boom! you could be the subsequent personage on maury trying to convince the guy its his!

If I took my birthcontrol perscription to a condition department, would they help out pay cheque for it?

With the date that you are mentioning yes it is a tottal factor that you may be pregnant. You obligation to do 2 things ASAP:

1. cart a pregnancy testing at home
2. see your doctor WHETHERE or not your oral exam shows your missed your time of year for too long and you might be at risk for something


I hold be sick for times gone by 3 days and stomach feel really bloted i hold missed my spell too whats best to

Take a examination

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