Period just 14 days apart?

My girlfriend had her period 14 days ago, and in a minute she just started having it again. What does this propose? Pregnant or was? What could cause this to evolve. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Answers:    "metrorrhagia") can be related to several predisposing factors:

If the period are otherwise normal, then a short "luteal phase" or insufficient ovarian production of progesterone may be responsible. If the period are inconsistent, then failure to ovulate and the resulting anovulatory bleeding may be responsible. If the period are actually normal and once a month, but within are episodes of bleeding in between the periods, after mechanical factors such as fibroids or polyps may be responsible. Women beside hyperthyroidism are classically described as experiencing frequent, heavy periods. They, within reality, rarely show that guide, but we usually screen these patients for thyroid disease anyway.

Early stages of pregnancy might be a possible cause as ably (this only applies if you and your girlfriend have have unprotected sex), but it could happen if your girlfriend has changed her consumption habits, are stressed, have abundantly on her mind, etc. A woman's emotions and hormones collide a lot.

I've experienced frequent period too in the past that be caused by ovarian cysts.

There could be other causes for the frequent period your girlfriend is experiencing and I would recommend that if this continues that she see her doctor/gyno for further evaluation to see what they think could be causing this.

Good luck :).
if she's immature (13-16) & active it could just be irregular, it happen a lot.. but if it happens again contained by the next few weeks, I would go to the docter and ask nearly birth control pills because that could regulate her period. She is irregular which is a problem 14 days apart. My friend has them 7 days apart, which is worse. She more than imagined is under a lot of stress to impose this or she's unhealthy. Remember ANYTHING can effect a period..
suitable news, definitely not prego
is she stressed out or in recent times started a new physical routine
any changes is sleep cycles or essentially anything can throw her off
no worries unless it keeps arranged

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