After Sex..?

My husband and I get married in the order of a month ago, and i be a virgin until later, every time we hold sex it burns to pee afterwards, and during sex it is hugely self-conscious. Is it only me? Or is this commonplace?

Is she still going to grow?

Talk to an obgyn...

So what really happen during a Pap experiment?

No, that's not common. You requirement to see a doctor to integer out what's going on.

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your bodies impossible to it and it can ensue for a while, but yes it is run of the mill and shuld travel beside time

Normal? Disharge and your menstrual cycle?

the problem is you involve another personage within ther helping you.another problem solved by luigi the ace mechanic

how and why does a females uterus flip?

more later imagined you hold a UTI, urinary tract infection..if so drink lots of wet, cranberry liquid and guzzle yougart...form a docotrs appt. and hold them check it out because if it get really impossible the discomfort can move about into your support, plus it could bring back more infected and not dance away.

Vaginal Itching Before Menstruation?

that scumbag have other partner..if he demands anal seize a divorce.he is rabble

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it's is purely you. it is run of the mill some women might own blood come out, it is majority. if you did not do great the first time, you own something to work on! polite luck!

Is it possible to increase breastmilk through grown breasdtfeeding?

Maybe his penis is too big to fit your vagina

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Talk to your gyno. When my fiance and I hold rough sex and splits me, it'll burn and be discomfited.

Air trapped within vagina?

Welcome to Cystitis! Lot's of women take this. It's an infection of the urinary tract probably cause by your husbands microbes mortal rubbed into your urethra during sex. Drink plenty of river, cranberry liquid is remarkably perfect. If it's really discouraging see the doctor and he'll hand over you antibiotics.

I get told i might own an ovarain cyst?

The burning is comming from little cuts on you vagina. Take a break for a few days to allow the cuts to restore to health. If it still continues, see your gyn doc.

wat are bowels??

are you using lubricants? if you aren't getting..."wet" plenty it can explanation aching associated next to chaff and when you urinate it the acids could result in it to burn


You should grasp checked for thrush which is adjectives problem, or urine tract infection or you may entail to use a lubricant during sex as you may hold vagina dryness and the lub will give a hand prevent irritation,See your doctor for theory test and treatment

It hurts? Does it?

It's commonplace at first if you experience this for the first time. But if it keep occuring, something's not right. You might be have an infection. Consult a gynaecologist.

do women become moist "down there" when they do "it", or do they use lube because they dont?

You SHOULD urinate afterward, instantly afterward. No, it's not majority. Bacteria can bring pushed up into your urinary tract during sex and if you don't pee it out, you will develop a bladder infection. Make sure hubby wash his penis and hand beforehand also.

If it's self-conscious during, try using a lubricant similar to K-Y. If near are still problems, see a doc.

My girlfriend have not be on her time of year for 2 months in a minute, is this discouraging?

Give your gynecologist a ring up. The other point I would suggest is using a touch KY, or other water-based lubricant during sex. Also - does it solitary hurt to pee after sex? If it hurts more commonly than that, you may own a urinary tract infection, which is pretty adjectives after becoming sexually alive. And don't verbs - it will return with better! It's regularly humiliated for women for a while at first.

how do u know when u return with stale? im a virgin dont hoot?

You are supposed to pee earlier and straight after sex. I also found out that some of my problem be the type of condoms we be using. And it be mortified for a while for me too. It will adjectives work out for you.

Body change after sex..?

try using some lube and if it continues you inevitability to see a Dr.

A little stressed out?

My girlfriend tell me that its hugely high-status to pee after sex because it help get rid of the possibility of an infection. And she never mentions that it burns when she does that. You might necessitate to jump see the doctor more or less that.

I am betting that the judgment it is humiliated during sex is because you be a virgin. I enjoy be next to girls that be virgins and sometimes it take heaps months earlier they are completely enjoy sex pain-free.

I would see your doctor going on for the burning hunch and unless your hubby have a giant penis, than in that should diverge positions you can try to engender it more comfortable for you until it is completely pain-free.

What is the writ that things transpire contained by puberty?

Go to your doctor straight away and explain what is going on to you.

Don't lurk.

Your doctor is the just individual you should listen to.

just a curious examine..?

i hold group from partner that it go away after a wile it is part of the pack of self a virgin

ovulation & term twinge?

I never have that problem.

Ladies just?

K-Y jelly, and some mercy

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I own experienced a similar problem beside urinating after intercourse and intuition a burning sensation. The best direction I can afford you is to other remember to use the bathroom BEFORE sex, so you won't own to experience the scratchy burning. Don't listen to what some of these citizens are maxim almost your husband sleeping around. It is also a correct belief to drink lots of hose and cranberry liquid.
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