My girlfriend has not been on her period for 2 months now, is this bad?


A flabby press?

congrats bub you r a daddy.

Is it ordinary for 11 year ancient girls to be 118 pounds?

If you want a kid it's not fruitless...If you don't want a kid I guess it is doomed to failure...But don't run from the responsibility. Take it as a dare.

I am a womanly developed and my poop is coming out black any Ideas why. this is not a practical joke getting worried?

yes dad

Is methatione not detrimental?

Think you inevitability to buy a pregnancy interview and see if shes pregnant save after bring her to the doctors

Herpes and hpv//pap smear?

unless she go on one of those birth control drugs that utterly kill the menstrual cycle lacking mentioning it to you, next congratulations! She's pregnant.

Tested pos preg audition first two days subsequently one neg and presently lantern bleeding?

Ok powerfully near are two suggestions for this. One is that some girls dont enjoy a reguar time of year and mite be usual to miss period, you would own to ask your gf this queston, if she say that doesnt usualy crop up, consequently we gain to the 2nd source. She may be pregnant. i enjoy be within this position beforehand, Go to the pharmacy and receive a pregnancy check and stir from in that

Another girly give somebody the third degree almost tampons sorry really gross.?

your a daddy. be a man and step up to the plate.

( GIRLS ONLY ! I MEAN IT! ) plz~~?

When she finds out you've be posting details of her period on the internet, I'd speak yes - impossible for you.

sex? aid girls?

If your sexually live and own be doing it in need protection after sweetie i articulate tht im something like 89% sure she is preg. and i have an idea that the best thinig to do is carry a hpt (home pregnancy test) and see how it go from in attendance. If not trade name an appointment near the doctor and win a blood check done. The same piece happen beside me mine be a month and a partially in arrears and it be because i wooried more or less it too mch and so it delayed. Also if your girlfriend is lone infantile and her period are irregular next this could be why she hasnt have it for 2 monthss. But GOOD LUCK, hope everything go in good health and try and report her not to verbs... it didnt relieve when ppl told me not 2 verbs cus woory doesnt check out of her but try your best! You already are esp 4 admit it on here and getting lend a hand.


is at hand a womanly equivalent of klinefelter's or kallman's syndrome?

yes mate for you

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It depends, is she usually irregular?
And if you have intercourse consequently within is a highly developed fate of her self pregnant, which isn't neccesseraly doomed to failure

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Well most expected she is pregnant but but for here are loads of other things that can affect this as powerfully sometimes they do hop around for a bit, if she's underweight they can stop, if she have an underactive thyriod they might never enjoy started, if she have an SDI that could mess them around, or polycistic ovaries i advocate you go and get her to speak to a doctor so they can work it out

For women solitary please?

u a daddy

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It's not impossible if you want a toddler.

Help Please.?

it could be for several reason i sugesst you pop along to stop by the doctor

Feeling cruddy!!?

No, it's moral word....... if you're looking forward to man parents.


Can a girl be pregnant if i own sperm on my finger and after similar to 10 minutes ater i finger her?

if ya'll be f u c k i n g, after she's probably pregnant. I'll distribute flowers...

any THAT or shes probably delayed and should try to see a doctor to know if thats ordinary.
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