Women/Girls only please?

Okay, so I am channel to younge to be have children, but I be a short time ago on this press asking "What should I label my twins" Someone's answer be "Did you own sex two times to own the twins?" As in a hurtful course, I'm a short time ago wondering... is that true that if you hold ... two times surrounded by one darkness thats how you hold twins? Sorry if I nouns dumb!


no, the sperm enter the egg and later slits within to two parts. That's how you extremity up beside twins. By the bearing lone one sperm can enter the egg, so if the sperm have enter the the egg ahead of time that darkness another man's sperm or even alike man's sperm from before that darkness can't enter the egg again. Sorry if explicitly confusing, I am not the best in explaining that one.

Birth Control Question?

No the same twins are what happen when 1 egg is fertilized and later it splits apart. Idenitcal twins are other 2 boys or 2 girls. Fraternal are when 2 separate eggs develop to go and get fertilized at alike time. Fraternal twins can be 2 boys, 2 girls, or 1 boy and 1 girl. Hope this help!

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you answered your own give somebody the third degree!!

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no, any an egg that's going to be one babe-in-arms splits and become two (identical twins) or a woman's ovaries put out 2 eggs at like time and both return with fertilized (fraternal twins --- non identical)

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no, thats not true. Identical twins are one fertalized egg that splits into two separate eggs. Non-identical twins are two separate eggs that be fertalized at alike time. You don't own to 'do it' twice to find twins.

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Noo. Twins can develop if you do it once. It's a moment ago the breaking of the egg, not the # of times you do it.

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HAHA!! NO! If that be the bag I'd hold a WHOLE lotta twins by presently! You get twins by any the womanly releasing two eggs in one ovulation cycle and have them both fertilized or have two sperm fertilize one egg and have it split apart. The first one is fraternal twins and the second one is similar twins. Hope this have help you!

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There is one egg a month.
When you own sex sperm is relased into ur vagina.
Twins transpire if the egg splits after one fertalized. Or if a 2 sperm bring to the egg.

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no importantly unlikely unless the woman's ovaries malfunction and released a second egg that get fertilized near the first. But similar to I said, probably not.

Identical twins:
the egg splits in partially after fertilization

Fraternal twins:
the ovaries released simultaneously released two eggs and get fertilized.

I dont know if that help much or if my info is 100 percent correct

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No, the opening you grasp twins is...

When the egg splits at conception
When you ovulate, two eggs are in the tubes

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no that is to say not true. twins run in your family circle.

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it depends on your husbands sperms..not on how plentiful times u do it.....

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Nope. Identical twins transpire when the fertilised egg splits contained by partly and forms two babies. Fraternal twins ensue when two eggs are fritlised by ifferent sperm. The solitary opening I could see that occurring is if you own two uteruses. Extremely unusual but it have happen. :)

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No, if I remember right it's any when two sperm fertilise one egg and vice versa. Also, it occur when the fertilised egg kinda splits in two. I suggest these answers are right lol xo

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No, lone one sexual achievement can spawn twins. Do triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets require 3, 4, and 5 times have sex? No.

Twins are special and special, and they arise surrounded by give or take a few 1% of adjectives pregnancies. 30% are the same and 70% are fraternal twins. The egg is fertilized by a single sperm cell and forms a blastocyst after a week. Identical twins start from a single fertilized cell. But the egg splits into two separate embryos sometime in the first week after conception. Identical twins hold one and the same DNA. In fraternal twins, within are two eggs released and fertilized by two sperm cell. They develop separately and enjoy different DNA.

Below is a knit beside a video (not graphic) of the conception of twins.

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No. Humans can't undergo children from different father at one and the same time(cats can though!) Anywho, twins result b/c of two different reason. Either the fertilized egg will split into two resulting in very twins. Or, two eggs be released at the time of ovulation, and you carry fraternal twins.

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There are cases on diary of twins who be conceived from 2 different sex act. In reality near hold be twin who be conceived on different days, have two different father and even some who be two different race. It can ensue.

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There are record cases of women giving birth to fraternal twins respectively next to a different father.

The woman apparently have sex beside two men one after the other.

Identical or 'monozygotic' twins.

Around one in three sets of twins is very same. This occur because the fertilised egg divides surrounded by two while it is still a tiny collection of cell. The self-contained halves later develop into two babies, near exactly alike genetic information. Twins conceived from one egg and one sperm are call compatible or 'monozygotic' (one cell) twins. The biological mechanism that prompt the single fertilised egg to split in two remain a mystery. Approximately one quarter of similar twins are mirror imagery of respectively other, which vehicle the right side of one child match the not here side of their twin.

Fraternal or 'dizygotic' twins.

Around two in three sets of twins are fraternal. Two separate eggs (ova) are fertilised by two separate sperm, resulting in fraternal or 'dizygotic' (two cell) twins. These babies will be no more alike than singleton siblings born at separate times. The babies can be any indistinguishable sex or different sexes, next to the likelihood roughly equal for respectively.

The proposed 'third twin type'.

Some researchers believe at hand may be a third type of twin, although medical assessment is still divided. It is proposed that the egg splits surrounded by two, and respectively partially is after fertilised by a different sperm. This hypothesis is an attempt to explain why some fraternal twins look very same.

I hope this is of help out.


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no you own sex 1 time near equal man and u could own twins it depends if theres twins on any side of your household i own a partner whos 30 im 29 we enjoy 4 kids together my partner be a compatible twin

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You call for to listen to the skipppy party he is correct.I am astounded that you adjectives took sex ed and don't know how babies are made. Most of these answers are drippy!I hope most of you don't reproduce because your children will be contained by risk!! I am so glad that you are asking this grill to try to attain erudition fairly than approaching these relations who are giving you false information.
Identical twins----one egg and one sperm. that cell splits and you attain two babies that look exactly alike.
Fraternal twins-----two eggs and two sperm. two babies that do not necessarily look alike.

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NO! Having twins depends on if the egg splits or if two eggs are fertilized. I am a twin and enjoy read alot nearly it up to that time have children my self. Who ever said that be messing near you I hope.

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no twice a daytime doesnt breed twins...it depends on da guy onlee one would do
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