Is it true friends have their period at the same time?

i be surrounded by a restroom at restaraunt the other daytime i hear these two babyish girls speak that they hear friends start to start their time at matching time. is that true, i have never hear that in the past?

i have sex contained by sept i hold have my spell regular and took 1 preg tryout but in a minute skipped a interval is this run of the mill?

Women who spend a great deal of time surrounded by respectively others company will regularly find that their period synchronise. It have to do near other anyone surrounded by contact beside respectively others' pheromones (secreted surrounded by sweat). Pheromones conduct yourself as triggers for our own hormones, which regulate our period. It's also thought that men's pheromones can affect a woman's term, as ably.

Do ur boobs bring back bigger during your interval?


I never did.

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well when you live next to someone your period tend to adjust to be around alike time idk why though

When is my subsequent spell due?

Women who live together do bit by bit modify until they are cycling more or smaller number together.

Ladys do you know anything just about this?

Yes, it is in truth something that have be documented.
Females within matching house can hold their period at like time also.
It have to do near unnoticable scent explicitly given stale.

Friends and even co-workers can hold period equal time.

help help help!?

If girls live together, or are around respectively other adjectives the time after their cycles usually closing up around duplicate time. I don't know why this happen, but it does. :)

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Actually, it is true to an extent. Women tend to draw from their period around one and the same time as other women they are around plentifully (like friends would be) I asked my doctor almost it once, because my mom & i used to acquire them surrounded by one and the same week, resembling, adjectives the time.

Burning during intercourse?

yes its true but you own to be around respectively other for long period of time

Change contained by cycle?

Females bury pheromones and it get stronger back your time. So when you are contained by close contact beside other females (like if you enjoy feminine roommates or sisters) your body responds to those pheromones. After a while your hormonal level will sync and you'll start getting your period together. It's not 100% of the time but most of the time, girls who live together or enjoy close contact will eventually synchronize their period.

i hold be have a brown discharge but me and my boyfriend own be have unprotected sex for nearly 3mths?

Yes, believe it or not the phenomenon you describe is agreed as menstrual synchronicity. It have be observed among women contained by alike inherited, living together, or in some cases working closely together. I infer the first definite studies come out around 1970 or so, and at hand are lots of theories to explain it but no easier said than done evidence that I'm aware of to explain it. Check it out on the trellis, it's delirious reading. Some cogitate it is due to the quality of cycles themselves, and the certainty that they are adjectives in a 21-28 daylight variety to set off beside, and can be artificial by things close to stress and environment- which women surrounded by a group would own surrounded by adjectives. We don't tend to income much attention to it as a rule because it's a moment ago not a usual topic of discussion, but yes, it is a specified phenomena.

Confused no length? No sex any!?

thats really funny me and my friends be freshly conversation almost that! hahaha becuz we adjectives go and get our period around one and the same time close to i only completed today and my friend merely started today, one point we started at one and the same time but i've have mine longer so mine later for similar to a week and her's later for close to 3days. she doesnt know how lucky she is hahahaha, but i dont really kno if its true or unrepentant

Calling all ladies or doctors!!?

This is referred to as menstrual synchrony. There is fairly some debate as to whether this authentic. Read this article

Does menstrual synchrony really exist
Straight Dope

This one is devout too:

True or False: Women Who Live Together Tend to Have Synchronized Menstrual Periods

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Me and my best friend other get our motleys together it is fairly freaky

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