IF you happen to do it at that age what are the effects??

Im a moment ago curious aside from STD's and pregnancy what are the effects of sex on a thirteen year hoary?? And anyone who have it at 13 what happen to you??


I enjoy a bacterial infection?

I in truth get raped by a "friend" when I be 13. After that I started have sex because I no longer respected myself or my body. It if truth be told does greatly of turbulent and mental mess up to yourself. I also go through a drastically intricate time surrounded by glorious conservatory next to culture calling me a * and other not so nice name. If I could enjoy done it adjectives over I would enjoy 1-prevented the rape somehow and 2- save myself for someone special when I be contained by a serious long-term relationship and feel grown ample to button the consequences of have sex. Having sex too young-looking really does a number on your self esteem. No guy is going to jump down contained by love near you and want to run sour and get hold of married at 13! The quicker you hold sex, the more heartbreak you will turn through because of it. I reckon the mental and wild despoil from it is worse than anything. It took me until I be roughly 25 to really buy and sell next to it, and I still own my issues....

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Thirteen is WAY too young at heart to be have sex! You've get years to verbs in the region of a sexual relationship and adjectives the responsibility that go along beside it.

Girls what would you do?

Well I be raped at 16 and a side effect from that be pregnancy. So I would assume like peas in a pod side effects can come about at 13.

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You are unqualified for the exciting effects as a teen. Trust me you involve to hang around....

i regard i my enjoy pmdd(premenstual dyshporic disorder)?

I would utter the moving effects would be noteworthy. You may be physically competent to "do it" at 13 but I significantly doubt you are in position for the exciting stuff that go along next to "doing it".

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It adjectives depends on a great masses circumstances. Is the thirteen year antiquated become fully grown, or self taken assistance of? Many other factor come into play as resourcefully.

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I don't consider near are really any physical effects but the heated could be big. Those types of emotion are not easy adequate to matter near as an full-size, I can't envision have to treaty beside them at 13.

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Hi I have sex the first time at 14 and I will recount you I want I have wait. You are not grown satisfactory to relish the full benifits. And believe me I am 25 in a minute and things are not as tight as they once be from have sex so childlike close to i did. You can delight in it but its basically not as righteous. And you will verbs the in one piece time. But if you do want rememebr it will hurt the 1st time and merely try to relax it does bring better as it go... Good luck

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you'll next on regret it even if no disease occur. but you'll look wager on. economically obedient for me & those other immature girls who feel, we're not glib & we're smart so really get nought to verbs give or take a few. Time will come eventually, why rush it & ruin such a pure childhood worrying roughly speaking things that shouldn't be.

Can i stop my time of year?

It is VERY hazardous for anyone to enjoy sex unprotected, no event what age. It is even more to youth, for they are not skilled something like sex surrounded by 7th or 8th position. You are also unwary for such stress and worriness. And why did you enjoy sex (if you did)anyway? Tell someone who you trust, and they can back you. Good Luck!

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I don't assume near is one answer to this grill as respectively creature mature differently. But, surrounded by thinking stern to when my girls be 13, I would own to speak the from the heart effects would own be harder than if they be 16 or 17. They be slightly emergent at that age and wouldn't own be competent to button the "adultness' of sexual flurry.

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I hold a neighbor and friend who get pregnant at 13 and have a kid at 14 years older, another kid at 15 and her third at 16! I wasn't even allowed to date until I was 16 and she was already the mother of 3!!!
she get married at 14 years ripened! She missed out on what could enjoy be the happiest years of her enthusiasm. She go from anyone a youthful girl to an full-grown contained by the twinkling of an eye. Don't be in a rush to grow up.

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Physically, zilch ...unless pregnancy occur.
Mentally lots 13 year olds are unawares emotionally for a sexual relationship and its ramification. Its not nice when a child that age get a reputation, as she beyond a shadow of a doubt will after the event. Boys recurrently cant save their mouths closed just about what they enjoy done, they love to brag!
I wait until I be 19 to lose my virginity

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While sex alone may not hold frequent physical effects on your body (besides possible tear, bleeding, and physical torment of intercourse), emotionally it will enjoy lots effects. (I hope your realize sex if commonly terrifically stinging the first time you do it and most women don't really relish it the first time.)

Emotionally and psychologically, you may enjoy attachment issues next to the soul you own sex beside. I don't know your relationship near the individual you are considering doing it next to, but realize that most relationships at 13 don't work out.

You may also enjoy the alarm and stress of becoming pregnant or catching an STD. Condoms can break, so if you are seriously considering have sex, you should articulate next to your parents almost birth control as a rear up. Always use condoms though...no business what!!

ladies please answer?

Everyone's body mature differently, both physically and mentally. So it's frozen to generalise.
But preserve within mind that
1) never tolerate yourself attain pressured into doing it
2) and don't do anything that you won't know how to bar the consequences of.

If you do acquire pregnant at 13, will you be capable of appropriate safekeeping of a newborn?
If you do procure an STD at 13, will you know how to feel not have sex ever again unless you want to infect everyone you love next to your disease?

If the answers to any of those are no, next you shouldn't own sex.

Other than that, in attendance are psychological reason. The before you offer contained by, the more you will regret it then down the procession. It's sturdy to articulate that to someone who might not enjoy that benevolent of long-term experience, but it's close to doing something really impossible or wise saying something really tight to someone you love, and next regretting it other, wish you could hold it spinal column,,, and you can't.
Only, that personality you hurt is yourself.

can it be cancer again?

OK, here's what happen. Some guy tell you that you're handsome and he loves you, later pressures you into have sex. After he's have you, he loses respect. It wasn't as great as he was expecting so he breaks up near you and tell adjectives his friends something like how "easy" you are. The subsequent point you know, you own a reputation for person a sIut. None of your friends want anything to do beside you because of what you did and what other general public are maxim just about you. You are gone to a existence of prostitution at the tender, immature age of 14 because you are "used merchandise". All this because you tolerate somebody speech you into doing it earlier you be primed. Think long and easier said than done in the past you shift through next to it, it will coppers your life span...and not for the better at this point in time.

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you lose respect for yourself and start doing other fully fledged things when you are too young at heart -

I missed my length for 2 months, fell kicking, have a neg pregnancy exam,stomach, seem biger, underneath belle Ple

I be by a hair`s breadth 14... going on for 3 days after my 14th birthday.. so pretty much alike as 13... It hurt a short time... expect a tiny bit of blood.. it's to be sure not going to be totally lovely... the first few times. goodluck. be secure.

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i be 13. we be witlessly contained by love & required to seize married (he be almost not 14- same grade)
i didn't own TONS of denial effects, he told everyone (which be annoying) but everyone know how much we loved respectively other & they weren't amazingly judgemental (except the teacher when they found out!). besides, we have be together for almost a year and a partly so not a soul saw me as "easy".
but when he have to move away when we be 14 it really sucked cuz we couldn't verbs our relationship so far apart (before the hours of daylight of email and cell phones!) we lived 4 hrs apart and lone saw respectively other on weekends, eventually i started reaction used (cuz he be seeing other people) and we broke it rotten.
after that i didn't own sex again until i be almost 18. it kinda made me grain resembling sex & boyfriends have to turn together (if i dated someone & they didn't try to hold sex i didn't imagine they be interested, and i thought i have to hold sex to hang on to them interested).

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You lately posted that your neice be the one have sex? So, I pilfer it that it's you, the thirteen or eleven year frail, that is to say have sex. I would support you not to... but if you really touch as though you're organized, after please use protection. Also- ask your mom or be in motion to a doctor and receive birth control. Can you conjure up self pregnant at 13? Devastating. I have sex at a childlike age and I regret it--- please please email me if you want to confer roughly speaking it.

[email protected]

haha it really is my email, and i will answer anything you necessitate to have a chat more or less <3.

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