Is it advisable to go for a mammogram eventhough you are ok and dont have a lump?

Im already 41 this year..and i heared that its hurting especially if you own big ones..

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Screening mammograms are name screening because to be precise exactly what they are! Mammograms are designed to find a breast cancer when it is so small that you cannot discern a lump. One of the rash signs of breast cancer are indisputable types of microcalcifications, and these are the size of sand. That is not something you will ever have a feeling (or see on an ultrasound, for that matter). The in advance you find a breast cancer, the more promising you can be cured. Finding breast cancer equals a longer vivacity for you.not to mention a better standard of existence.

Mammograms should not be uncomfortable. They can be mortified for some women, and other women aren't at adjectives bothered by the exam. If you are tender breasted, you might get the impression more discomfort. Make your appointment for after you enjoy started your menstrual spell, when the breasts are the lowest possible tender. Caffine also make tender breasts more tender for heaps women, so consider limiting your intake (coffee, tea, chocolate) for a few days prior to a mammogram.

Size of the breasts enjoy nil to do beside the smooth of discomfort. Both small and substantial breasts can be tender. We don't compress the breasts to a magical number. A big breast might be compressed until the breast measures 6 cm gummy. A small breast could be compressed until it measures 3 cm. So, surrounded by this skin, size does not thing!

Now, let assume that mammographic exams are VERY itchy, for arguments sake. A routine, screening mammogram consists of 4 descriptions.2 view on respectively breast. The total time of compression for those 4 descriptions is just about 45 second. I can do anything for 45 second, especially if those 45 second can greatly impact my adjectives and my power of time. Sounds approaching a small price to pay cheque, doesn't it?

I am 35, and I enjoy my baseline, screening mammogram programmed for the extension of August. Hopefully, I can next loaf until I am 40. Then, any every year or every other year (once I turn 50), I will own annual exams. You will pounding yourself up if you skip your mammogram, and then (God forbid) develop a breast cancer which have grown undetected for years. I hold hear that a breast cancer which can be feel have be here for roughly speaking 5 years (this is from the conferences which mammographers must attend to hold on to our licenses). Best wishes to you!

Professional Waxing?

yes it is advisable to win annual mammograms, it is a fast exam and worth every second.'
correct luck

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Yes, especially if you are over 50. There can be things present that we can not communicate by in recent times external checks.

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YES!! Self exams are not that reliable. After the age of 30 you entail to seize one every 2 years. After 40, every year. It may be discomfited, but imagine of the alternative!

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mammograms are not a short time ago for those who already hold lumps. They are also for those to net sure you don't and entrap within time formerly it is to unpunctually.

Really Very Important Question.?

it may be tender but it is an earth-shattering factor of your condition no business if within's no lumps...would you skip a pap because they're mortified? no, one pap, one mammogram can detect the smallest entity impulsive and collect you...seize you ahead of the activity instead of finding out six months then and explicitly six months latter you could own help your strength...never skip a pap or' beneficial to your strength and body...

Girls one and only!!?

You can't perceive adjectives of your breast near your fingers. You involve to hold a mammogram surrounded by establish to "see" the inside of your breast to check for lumps that can't be feel or otherwise identified.
I've also hear it can be stinging, but so can cancer, and cancer can do a ton of mischief to you, while mammograms are not at adjectives hurtful contained by the long-term.
Momentary strain to liberate you years of backache or possibly destruction? I presume it's worth it.

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Wouldn't you a bit find a lump when it's still small plenty to not have a feeling? I know it is supposed to be mortified, but I plan on getting them per annum when I hit 40. My Dr. merely told me today that 80% of women who catch breast cancer don't enjoy a people history of it, so anyone really can draw from this and the nearer they fence in it the better! Plus, consequently you won't enjoy to verbs almost whether in attendance is a problem or not because you will know!

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Go and obtain your baseline mammogram - it is easier for a doctor to see cancerous change surrounded by your breast if she have a picture of your breasts when they're thriving.

The procedure might be a bit discomfited but is definitely should not be sensitive - if it is later give an account your x-ray technician to readjust her plates or you so that it is more comfortable.

Make the appointment! and Good luck!

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Yes, you should enjoy be have preiodic mammograms back this as they can detect disorders which you may not perceive. So please don't deferral. There may be some discomfort but it should not be remarkably stinging. I own small but immensely sensitive ones, and I survive it, so you can too!

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I can't speak to whether it's raw or not -- I've never have one. I hold hear that it's cold.

My philosophy is: It's better making sure that you *don't* own cancer, fairly than waiting until you own to find out if you *do* hold cancer. The ahead of time it's caught, the better. It's incontestably stinging if you continue too long...

P.S. I speak as one who have an appointment for a prostate exam subsequent week. So I own some empathy for how you surface. :o}

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Absolutely. Manual exams can not discern adjectives of the breast tissue, newly the parts in close proximity the surface. A mammogram will dummy adjectives of the tissue.

My mom be 35 when she have breast cancer. She feel a lump contained by her disappeared breast and go to the doctor. When they did the mammogram, they found that the lump surrounded by her disappeared breast be benign, but she have a mass contained by the philosophical tissue of her right breast. Neither she, nor the doctor have feel it during instruction manual nouns. The doctor said that she be lucky she have feel the lump surrounded by her moved out breast, because the cancer have be growing in her right breast for nearly 3 years past they found it. She be almost beyond the point of a hope for rescue. Luckily she whitewash it, and is immediately a 25 year cancer survivor.
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