Question going on for doctors.?

I'm 14, when I go to the doctor he only does common stuff like heart, blood pressure, weight...but when I be talking to my friend (who is 12) she thought it was uncharacteristic that I had a guy. I asked why and she said "Don't you feel strange when he checks the "girl places"" and I was like "Um.he doesnt". I know when your elder (17-20) you go to a gyno and all for that stuff. Is it weird and wonderful my doctor doesnt look or anything? Or is hers just more thourogh than mine?

For those ladies on YAZ?

Well when your that young the doc usually feel your pelvis area. They usually have to move up your underwear a little. It's kinda odd if he's not doing that. The track a gynecologist checks is WAY different and a whole other story. So I think your friend lately means when the doc palpates that area. I'm sure your doc is doing it and you didn't even identify.

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Some people have doctors that are their loved ones care physician only, while others own doctors that also practice gynecology. It's completely normal that your doc doesn't check you "there" but once you are 18 (or sooner once you become sexually active) you should start visiting the gyno as very well.

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If you are comfortable with seeing a male doctor for nonspecific care, it's fine. When you get your first gyn stop by (you might have one sooner than 17, 17 is when you start getting one every year), you should probably ask for a girl.

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Hers might be more thorough than yours and son, you will need to start getting pap test, They are notonly for people who are sexually active, they also detect HPV and other illnesses. Hope that help.

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