DO I HAVE A problem???

ok im 5 foot 7 110 -111 pounds BMI is 17.4 ( considered underweight) but when i look into the mirror i surface so gross its resembling i look close to im 120 i give attention to i look fatish and its soooooo gross
my measurments are
bust::::: 32
waist::::: 26 EWWWWWWWWW
hips:::::34 ... desire they be 33

is this a serious problem i scrounging i can`t bear the mode i look i miserable i look approaching i weigh an extra 10 pounds to what i really am

the recent past 2 days i run and burned 500 cals and concluded ip drinking 1500 which is wayyyyyyyyyyyy to much food! i try to maintain it between 500- 900 calories but iv be failing miserably .,..
i never generate myself throw up but its approaching after i devour so much ewwww i cant stand it

do you presume i hold a problem ?
what do you have an idea that it is and is it serious?


What do females own to do surrounded by a physcal?

That is call a body distortion dummy problem. I reason you should look for a physiologist to set your self model straight.

Orgasms Losing Intensity?

Yeah, you're anorexic.

Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes an consumption disorder characterized by low body shipment and body figure distortion next to an devotee fright of acquirement bulk. Individuals next to anorexia commonly control body cargo by voluntary starvation, purging, vomiting, excessive exercise, or other cargo control measures, such as diet pills or diuretic drugs. It primarily affects teen females contained by the Western world. Anorexia nervosa is a complex condition, involving psychological, neurobiological, and sociological components.

how does one relax when you dont know waht make you emotional?

Yes, low self-esteem. To which I read aloud: ewwwwwwwwww!

for the ladies?

Yes. You do own an issue, and it's call an Eating Disorder.
Sorry, but please gossip around this near some inhabitants contained by your valid energy to comfort you.

I enjoy stopped the pill but own I done it right?

no pique but i ponder you are over exaderating

HELP beside HEIGHT??

yes..u own through issues and obligation to consider a diet..

What should i do roughly a headache that wont budge away?

You are fine. In certainty I presume you should chomp through a bit more. Less nutrition lead to poor robustness. Be not dangerous.

I havent have my spell contained by 6 months?!?

shut up! u are not corpulent u are not un nourishing i meen god ateast ur not similar to the kids who strarve

I haven't gotten my length surrounded by 4 years!?


what do i do the F.B.I. is comeing for me!!!!?

listen sweeite i'm 5'7 132lbs. so ur unbelievably lucky! i used to be exactly ur weightiness and measurements a years ago and i've be struggling as welll so i'm not sayinng ur a phsyo but stilll u see the difference btw us. u are underweight which scheme u dont weigh adequate which resources ur not hefty.. my best guidance read :the best little girl surrounded by the world... i read it and i promised myself i would never rage diet again!! so please ur skinny.. if u wanna bargain some more cuz i can relate email me anytime at [email protected]

what dose it be a sign of?

No your freshly mortal selfconscience give or take a few your bulk it happen to adjectives of us

i am 6weeks?

First of adjectives, I am 13, and get through 2,000 calories!! I am at a full-bodied weightiness, even though I guzzle that much! 500-900 calories is adjectives yourself. YOU ARE WAAAAAAAAAAY TOO SKINNY!

Anorexic general public look within the mirror and estimate they look plump, when really they are extremely underweight. Tell someone you trust what you grain approaching, or a doctor or psychologist.

why dont i enjoy any liveliness?

I muse that your body is ok. And yes you own a problem. Maybe because you famine self confidence. And if your abs is too flabby, consequently excercise. it will slim down. Your too skinny for your distance from the ground. You might hold a sudden heart attack. ANd uhm because you approaching excercise too much? better not do it..merely do the sit ups to trim your belly.

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you know what... this sounds exactly similar to a girl i know.. she hate the agency she looks, and i don't infer how.. but.. you may enjoy a problem, but i don't conjecture it's a serious problem.. usually i would feel it would be from removal of support from parents or friends or something.. but i don't mull over it's serious.. and i'd love to know why girls reckon similar to this.. and if you capture a serouisly pious solution on this problem.. please give an account me.. my girlfriend have alike problem..

My nail curve surrounded by?

Yes, I regard you hold a problem and yes it sounds serious. The average american wishes 2000 calories. My fiancee is just about your size, I don`t know somewhat bigger and she is tiny. You are not even close to person a fatty. Eat some more please.

I enjoy be on Yasmin Birth Control for almost 2 months?

i have an idea that a counsleor might assistance, and abundant nation wont answer this press because they are much worse than you. reflect give or take a few the associates who are so overweight they cant obtain out of bed! and specifically NOT a glowing amount of calories, you should be have 2000 a afternoon! in recent times drink glowing food! its more nourishing and you can perceive better more or less what you ate, but i still conjecture a counsler would assist closely!
correct luck!

girls answers lone?

U are not over solidity, we c what we want 2 c, no body seam at ease next to the opening the look.. I don't estimate u enjoy a problem, but it could become one. c a doctor bring up to date him your concerns,

well i want to shift see a gynecologist..and i don't know what happen here.?

Sounds similar to you've get a great metabolism and a lousy scene of yourself. You're absolutely not overweight, but, you've get a self picture problem. If you're overeating at times and you get the impression unpromising because of it, receive yourself stop back your brain tell your stomach you're full. You don't enjoy to verbs your plate. It take for a time while for your brain to realize your stomach is rewarded. Eat on form and your body will do the rest. You have need of to stop worrying around you meditate you see and verbs in the region of what you project surrounded by regard to your self confidence. You've get greatly going for you, lately don't dwell on what you surmise is refusal.

serious grill, not a set-up!?

No you do not hold a problem most girls don't resembling how they look and what they weigh and verbs give or take a few their solidity .

Shaving interrogate?(girls simply please)?

okay. one. you arent margarine at adjectives. you are wayy to skinny. you call for to devour more calories. 1500-2000 a morning.

two. i reflect on that you do own a problem. and its a physcologic problem. and it could be serious because the passageway that you are going you are going to become aneorexic.

three. you want to step verbalize to someone, a friend, a parent, or other loved ones contestant. someone you can really trust.

Getting a perscription for the birth control pill?

sorry but even if you don't believe it (which is the valise adjectives of the time) you hold anorexia. step see a doctor who specializes for that sickness.

I have my concluding extent formerly xmas 06 i cant remember the exact date, i hold done 2 test but still no length x?

you may enjoy an drinking disorder; and even though you dont really enjoy a drastic problem right very soon; you may want to reach a deal to someone in the past your problem may become worse.

and remeber everyone is self consicious give or take a few the channel they look. even gorgeous celebrity everyone have something that they repugnance roughly speaking their body.

its kinda approaching how paris hilton is other looking in a mirror no event where on earth she go!! trust me its not beacasue she think she is so gorgeous and cant stop looking at her self. you can bring up to date that she is self concious even though she tries to perform resembling she its a short time ago beacuse she loves herself so much!

Best time to stop taking the pill?

Yes hon, I believe you enjoy a problem. It could be bulemia..ingestion a total lot consequently purging (throwin up) your self. You probally could use another 10 to 15 pounds according to your altitude. You are definately not you enjoy opinion measurements...stir to a doctor and verbalize to them roughly speaking this...your time may deeply all right depend on the can do it..

In olden times 4 months my term is coming 3-5 morning in advance, is it a situation of verbs?

This does nouns similar to a serious problem. Even though you are not anorexic or bulimic YET. Excessive excercising is a sign of bulimia. I devise you should aim help out from a Doctor or a theripist. I Hope that help! Also simply consider that nobody is ideal. Everyone can be critical of themselves and how they look but really it's not that unpromising. Try intake athletic foods and instead of trying to get through 500-900 calories (which is not plenty food for someone your height) try and devour a 1000 to 1200 calorie diet. I hold just now done reserach more or less that big-hearted of point. (Calorie content to BMI.) So, I hope you touch better and don't be so self concious! (Try penetrating calorie counters on the internet. I found one that compares your solidity, height above sea level, and lifestyle to come up next to a correct calorie diet for your body! Sorry I don't remember what it is call.)

Two period a month?

I know you know you hold a problem so i dont know if you are purely seeking some approval. you know you are underweight and you grain,overweight so exactly what is your put somebody through the mill. I am 5 4' and i am trying to grasp to 140. meat on a woman is sooo sexy, you must look really gross. sorry, thats my gut response

I hold be purchase shipment even though I am very soon more influential and watching what I munch through more than I be.?

gurl u requirement aid im 5'5 147lb and i love my curves u enjoy 2 love yourself to quality worthy more or less yourself you have need of to pray and ask god 2 assist u perceive better almost yourself

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i'm not gonna read aloud u hold anorexia but...don't regard that..similar to yourself 4 you...okay?

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this a serious problem , ge gelp NOW and Fast!
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